Awaken in the Swamp

Awaken in the Swamp

Something had happened. The last teleport hadn't worked, where had she landed here? She lay crouched like a baby on old stone slabs, it was dark and smelled damp and musty. She froze, trembled. She knew she couldn't stay here and slowly got up. Around her there were eerie noises to be heard. She was in the middle of a swamp. 

She looked around careful, the fog moved over the swamp, and from a distance she could see the bog lights. She knew that the witches of the swamp wanted to lure her deeper into the swamp. She knew the stories of young women disappearing into the bog and their bodies reappearing years later. The faces often disfigured by horror. 

She tried to breathe calmly, she felt the panic rise. Where was she, how had she got into this eerie world? She had chosen the address of the Sunshine Realm and was looking forward to a cosy evening with friends. What had happened to the Sunshine Realm? She was frightened, behind her wolves were howling. It didn't sound far away, her blood froze in her veins. She quickly got up and followed the path, listening to the sounds around her. An owl screamed beside the path, it sounded as if it was warning the moor of the invasion. She didn't belong here, but she didn't want to be here either. Again wolves howled, it sounded even closer than before, she had to hurry. She breathed a sigh of relief when she discovered the lights and a gate. The courtyard was paved, she wanted to escape quickly from the swamp and its creatures.

When she entered the courtyard, she heard bells, discovered the cemetery, and something seemed to be moving. Now she had escaped the swamp just to stand next to an old castle ruin, the cemetery. She saw the ravens circling above the cemetery, some had sat down beside the path and looked at her. Where did the bell ring from? Would she perhaps find help there? She discovered the ruins of an old church. It must have been an imposing building a long time ago, but the times were long gone. The roof had collapsed, the windows were without glass. Trees stood around the old walls, vine plants had grown tall on the old walls. But she could still see it as a church. Impossible that the bells were there, but she heard the ringing clearly. 

There were also lights, people seemed to be there. Carefully she crept to the ruin, looked into the interior and didn't believe her eyes. There danced witches and sorcerers, vampires and werewolves, the fairies moved gracefully. Where had she landed here? But the crowd exerted a magical attraction, they came closer and listened to the music. The atmosphere infected her, she had to dance, the music exerted a magical attraction. When she passed a mirror, she saw her dress. She was wrapped in a small and black leather dress, her cleavage wide open and her ass wasn't covered and exposes for views. Sie had worn black overknees boots and her hair was dyed black. She gave a surprised scream, couldn't believe her eyes.  

A warlock stood in front of her, laughed and reached out his hand. "Come we have brought you here to entertain the beings of the shadow world. You belong to us for this night, celebrate with us. Follow your instincts, you will dance naked. Early in the morning you will wake up, back in your world. But this night you belong to us, you will entertain our guests and bring them each pleasure they want. Today you are in the darkness, the blood moon has opened this world. But drink and eat nothing that the fairies will offer you". 

She followed the warlock as if hypnotized, dancing, her hips moving seductively to the sounds of the music.  

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