The Club Room

The Club Room is closed

Unfortunately we have very sad news today. Valantine hasn't login in SL for more than a month and none of us know what happened. We are sad and helpless. We continued to organize the events on Sundays for more as a month and Misty had paid the rent for this time. 
The building with the entrance and steps to the pool area.

We all hope Valantine will come back. We miss her so much. But we also don't know what's going on, if and when Valantine will come back. So at this point, it doesn't make sense to keep the "Club Room" open longer. Since we got a club of our own to take care of. As long as Valantine is not back, we will move the Sunday event with Joaquin Gustav to the Sunshine Realm, all other events will be cancelled. We will speak with Joaquin about this and plan to make this events without contest in the Sunshiner's Pub. The "Club Room" Sim is now closed.

Thanks to you all for the time we spent together. We hope you will come to the event with us. Please bundle your good thoughts and strength and wish Valantine all the best, hoping she will be ok and come back.

♫ ♪ Joaquin Gustav (Live)   ♫ ♪
each sunday 3pm - 4pm
Joaquin Gustav 


  1. This saddens me so much. I do so hope Val is ok. Hugs Val, wherever you are.

  2. Tous tes amis sont désolés de ta disparition et inquiets. Si tu le peux, donne nous des nouvelles. ♥ ♥ ♥
