
Ball Room Blitz 2017

Ball Room Blitz 2017

The Ballroom Blitz was the first in a series of events for which we created an independent location just for this one event. So the effort and preparation time was bigger than at the events before, where we only decorated, or had a skybox for a limited time. We also wanted a synergy between our club and the changed location. 

I prepared the new build for this event with Misty, Valantine and Bic. Valantine had a Skybox and I transferred the measurements of the Beachclub with markingprims to the platform. We built the new temple in the air and moved it down. For this Misty changed some, the Mainstage with the DJ Nest is removed for the time of the Ballroom Blitz, so we could built a great greek temple over the dance floor and changing the tiki beach club in the temple for our first formal night. Thanks Misty, Valantine and Bic for the fun, to prepare this together.

Tuesday afternoon were the last task finish, the land was ready for the big new event and we looked forward for this. Time for a short break, sitting at one of the stone bench at the sea side of the temple.

The evening before the event. Only some smaller task for the next day, but the temple with the marble floor and the balconies is ready.

We will have our first Formal Dance Night at the Sunshine Cove today. We will starting the Ballroom Blitz with our friends. We prepared the SunShine Cove for this event. We lost the Rocks around the Main Stage after a big Earth Quake. The stage and some rocks fallen in the Sea and are lost for some days. But we was really surprised, as we found under the rocks an old temple where Baccus and Dionysus, the roman and greek gods of frenzies, festivities, spiritual ecstasy, wine and alcohol celebrated great parties. 

Now we own this historical place and will celebrate such a party with our friends, who can know, maybe will Baccus and Dionysus join us too. Want you come too?

Again my special Thanks to Bic for create the Banners for this event. Its so much fun to do this with you.

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