
Photoshooting at the Baja Norte Sim

Photoshooting with Anakha in the Baja Norte Sim

I happened to meet Anakha Emouchet today on a beach somewhere in SecondLife. We talked for a while until we realized that we were both photographing, which is important to both of us. So he asked me if I could not be a model for him. After a short preparation time he invited me to Baja Norte.

The Sim is beautiful, not just for taking pictures. It is always worth a visit.
take a short break during the shooting with Anakha Emouchet at Baja Norte. If you are curious, you should visit this amazing and well designed place in second life.

I took some photos for me too, as Anakha made some wonderful pictures.

My favourite place was the roof of the little ice cream kiosk. A place to lose yourself in thoughts and dream.

After the photo shoot we sat on a nice terrace by the sea for a while and had a chat. It was a wonderful trip to this fantastic Sim, and at the end some very nice pictures were taken. A beautiful day in SecondLife.

I met another friend (Dogma9) later at this day and he invited me to visiting his sim and small harbor, and a new motorboat "Goozo" which he built and scripted. An amazing boat with many details. The following picture did take at this amazing boat.

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