
Earth Week, Green Day

Earth Day, Green Earth

Earth Day is April 22nd.

At Sunshine Realm we celebrate this wonderful day on three unique nights.

  • Tuesday April 21th   (Green to represent the fields, meadows and forests)
  • Friday April 24th    (White to represent the air that we breathe and the clouds in the sky)
  • Saturday April 25th   (Blue to represent the oceans, lakes and waterways )

Why is this day special?

All humanity live and reply on earth to survive. The earth isn't biased by gender, orientation, beliefs, religion or politics. It simply exists to provide us the ground we walk on, the air that we breathe and the water that we drink. We can't think of anything greater to honor and celebrate. The earth doesn't discriminate or judge and asks nothing in return. At Sunshine Realm we are also not biased; we accept anyone that wants to celebrate with us. Hope to see you at one of our earth celebrations.

On Tuesday April 21th the theme will be Green to represent the fields, meadows and forests of the earth. Please wear something green and use nature as the inspiration for your outfit.

On Friday April 24th the theme is white to represent the air that we breathe and the clouds in the sky. Think of these elements to give you inspiration for your mostly white outfit.

On Saturday April 25th the theme is Blue to represent the oceans, lakes and waterways of the earth. This event is formal and requires gowns for the ladies and tuxedos for the men. Please use oceans, lakes and waterways to inspire your outfit for this event.

We look forward to seeing you at Sunshine Realm to celebrate the earth that we all share and all the gift the earth gives to us. Please use the colors and themes on each night to be creative in your choice of clothing. 

Today the color is green. Green to represent the fields, meadows and forests of the earth. Please wear something green and use nature as the inspiration for your outfit.

Tuesday 04/21/2020 @ 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM
DJ Yezika
Moon Station
1,000 L$ (S) Contest

Google Images Album

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