
Literature Night

Literature Night

We was inspired by the first Performance of the Shakespeare "Macbeth" to make a literature event again. Although Macbeth was probably performed for King James I at court on 7 August 1606, the earliest recorded performance of Macbeth was at the Globe in 1611. We were curious and prepared all. A new temporary place, an old library was created for this special event. Sadly this event was special in a unexpected kind.  

For was this reason enough to have a new literature night. Who know us know too, that Misty and me share the love for books and literature. So decide we to build a temporary place, the new Sunshine Library, to celebrate this event with our friends.

Unfortunately, a group of Brazilian dancers has once again brought their intrigues to the Sunshine Realm. And from my perspective I was left alone that night. Nobody was thrown out that evening, but everyone was required to wear clothes suitable for the event until yesterday. Some did not like that, not for a while. But for me it was part of the events, something that makes the Sunshine Realm so special. And it's just not possible that others invest time and L$ and then half-naked Lolitas dance between others in historical outfits. Well, they lied and used the group chat in a vile way. There they said in one sentence: " I don't need to read this lousy comment. I am out of this group led by a jealous person" no reaction came, it was even awarded, but I was suddenly alone. Sometimes a missing appropriate answer is also one. Ok, I can live with this, i am the jealous evil bitch, which some people don't like and therefore treated unfairly and chased away. Funnily enough, it were Brazilian women in the past who accused me of racism, all in all claiming that I was discriminating against them. I know some wonderful Brazilian women, and it is not the country, but the behavior of individuals. 

Thank you all my friends for this.

And in the end, not only did they ruin the evening with the scheming game, a lot of things will change. If we now allow these Brazilian Lolitas to come to our event in every outfit, and flirt half-naked, even though they are no Sunshine Girls, then we can hardly expect this from our guests. At least I won't waste any more time asking and discussing with guests, why we expect outfits from them if we allow it from "friends". Self this underhanded envious girls asked this yesterday and pointed to others. So the topics of our events will take a back seat and actually we do CAYA events like others. 

My SL will be easier because of this, maybe this is the one good thing that remains after this night.  Thanks to all who have helped so far to make our events special. After a sleepless night and tears, this cannot be changed from my perspective. The constant change and new topics and the willingness of many to follow and get involved, that was the Sunshine Realm for me. Well, now nobody needs to miss anybody who does not want to participate. 

Friday 08/07/2020 @ 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
DJ Polpeta
Sunshine Library
1,000 L$ (S) Contest

Today are only some pictures. I was to busy with all this and not really in the mood at the end. Here the link to my Google Images Album.

1 comment:

  1. Angy your events are always so fun. With so many different ideas. It will be a shame not to have them. I will hope in the future for some themed events. :)
