


We continue with out Oktoberfest. Wear your Dirndl or your bavarian "Lederhose" and dance with us!

Saturday 10/01/2022 @ 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
DJ YuiMetal
Camp Sunshine
1,000 L$ (S) Contest

Some impressions.

We started our After-Party with Polpeta like usual at 6pm after the main event.

I asked Polpeta to play the Maffay song "Eiszeit". We can celebrate here carefree and can be grateful. We can spend time together and have fun. SL is a free world without borders. We can be grateful. But I want a moment that we all realize that this is not so everywhere.  Sometime forget we the real life around us, maybe we want forget it. Thats why I want a moment to think about this and sending power to all people who have sorrows in the real world.

And I want point at the Ukraine. We are just afraid in Europe that we don't have it warm enough in winter. And cost exploding. And cost exploding. This is also what Putin and his fascists want, we should be afraid. This week both Baltic Sea pipelines were blown up. Some questions, why would the Russians have done it? Because they want to stir up our fear, provoke us. Like the Dutch plane, which was also senselessly shot out of the sky.

But what is that compared to the suffering in Ukraine? The suffering of the population, the deaths, the raped women. The people who have lost everything and are now on the run. 

And the fear of young Russians being sent to die senseless in the name of a dictator? 

That's why i wished this old song, it's 40 years old, and unfortunately has become topical again. For a few people, this unspeakably criminal clique from the Kremlin, billions of people must now be afraid. Let us pray together for Ukraine, and let us pray for our world. That these fascists with their imperialist fantasies do not destroy everything in a nuclear blowup and lead the world into the abyss. And let's pray for our leaders, that they will stand together in these bad times and have the power to show this facist the borders.

Mountains spew lava
Into the silvery moon
Rain of ash falls on us
The earth has billions of volts
And from the source shoots
Embers as high as Saturn
Atlantis is coming up now
But where is the human being
Who rejoices in it?

Ice age
Ice age
When the oceans sink
And the earth breaks

Continents then race
In seconds towards each other
Who will see the last flash
Then before this explosion?
The clouds are so red
And where once was the desert
Only a black hole yawns
And the last man
Asks for death

Ice age
Ice age
When the oceans sink
And the earth breaks

Then no warhead has
Somewhere a final target
Will this remain only utopia?
Red phone if you fail...

Ice Age
Ice age
When the oceans sink
And the earth breaks
And the earth breaks

And the last poem of this song is new, added some years ago, after the Russian annexation of Crimea and the beginning of the war in the Donbas. What was sold as defense was a cowardly war of aggression and the beginning of land theft.

Nothing has changed
The ice age is so close again
After eternities
And billions in danger
Cold wars, cold rulers
Fear and greed are freezing the world to death
And our children's children will ask
How could this happen
When the earth breaks  

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