Enchantment under the Moon

Enchantment under the Moon

Lust in the Moonlight

She awoke in the morning, the sun had not yet risen, but the alarm clock had pulled her from her sleep. She felt dizzy, had a headache. It was one of those restless nights again, it was the night after the "darkness under the moon". The shadow beings had erased their memories after abducting her, only for their pleasure, to an old castle and the ruins of a desecrated church. She felt so tired and exhausted, she thought that the full moon had once again made her sleep badly. As long as she could remember, the full moon had always kept her awake a few nights a month. But this time it was especially bad. She had a headache the day before, felt restless and irritable. And now after that night, it was a mixture of heated sexual arousal and exhaustion. How could she survive the day? She even felt the tiredness and exhaustion physically, how was that possible? And she knew that the full moon came first, the next night would hardly get any better.

She went into the bathroom and took off her nightclothes. As she sat and thought about the day, she sank back into her thoughts. There was also a faint memory scurrying through her head like a shadow, hidden behind a semi-transparent mist. Had it been a dream? Or were there fragments of memories of the night in the church ruins with the flickering lights and the eerie figures around her? It could not have happened. Big red banners with a shining red moon had flanked the entrance to this ruin. The interior was lit with torches. She believed to remember that she had danced in this breathtakingly beautiful but also tight black leather dress for the entertainment of the guests, revealing, seductive and erotic. After never had she felt so sexy and attractive. They had cheered her on more and more, so that in the end she even danced naked in ecstasy, offering her bodies to the eyes of those present. She had enjoyed the attention. She often had such dreams, but this time it felt so different. Somehow more real. She still felt the erotic desire and the lust. 

But she must have been dreaming all this. She wiped her thoughts aside and took a shower. That would help her clear her head. She felt how excited she still was. She put her hair up and turned up the warm water. She enjoyed the water rays on her skin and closed her eyes. Her hand found the way between her legs almost on its own and her fingers circled her clitoris, slightly nudging against the pearl. She felt a first warm wave in her belly. The warm water ran over her body, she was so sensitive that she felt drops of water on her skin. She was glowing more and more, the tingling spread all over her body. 

Her fingertips slid between her wet petals and dived into the pink grotto of lust. She breathed shallower, felt her heart beat faster, she was so wet. The fingertips were wet with the moisture of her flower. She closed her eyes and let herself fall deeper into her lust, feeling the muscles tense in her body. So the vibration felt in her whole body already after a few seconds, stroking herself faster and her finger slipped faster and faster in and out of her grotto of lust. She added a second finger, stretched the vagina a little more. Her fingertips glided over the velvety vaginal wall. She groaned as the floor suddenly opened, she fell in a vortex of lights, flashes in her head. She floated weightlessly, the lust controlling her body that twitched. Her knees became soft, she finally kneeled into the shower, her legs spread wide. The water gushed over her back, and as she bent back in her lust over her titties and belly, she ran deeper down to her legs.  She felt the glow and vibration, bent backwards and her muscles stretched almost unbearably. Hot waves of lust shot through her belly, blazing hot into her abdomen. She fucked herself with her fingers faster and faster, pushed her deep into her pussy while everything revolved around her. She screamed as her muscles finally relaxed, tightened again. She felt the contractions in her pussy as she exploded trembling and enjoyed her orgasm. She came and came again, trembling on the floor of the shower. Her nectar splashed over her hand before the water washed it away.

She felt in a pleasant way more rested and content, more balanced. Her knees still trembled a little. She leaned forward to tie a towel around her head and dried off thoroughly. She enjoyed the soft towel on her skin, still felt the after quakes of lust in her tummy. Her skin turned a little red, blood flowed through the touch of the towel. She wrapped the towel around her body and came out of the shower. 

She went back to her room and asked Alexa about the weather for the day. It was January, but it would be unusually warm. She remembered a report she had seen on TV a few days ago. Scientists said the nearby Super Blood Moon could be responsible for earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Maybe the moon in this rare constellation caused even more, the warm weather, and at least their insomnia. Again there was this memory of the night, she looked at herself in the mirror and turned around her axis. She remembered the desire, she had felt attractive in her dream that night when many strangers cheered her on, she danced. The shook the head and wiped the thoughts to the side.  It was a dream, no more, she said to herself once more. 

She decided on a black ripped jeans and a top, plus a cardigan. She would take the car to the office, not be out much. And in an urgent case she had a coat in her car. She went to her dressing table to get ready for the day.

She brushed her hair. Then she put on a red lipstick, tracing the contour of her lips. A little dark eye shadow, she preferred Smoky eyes, which underlined her blue eyes. After lubricating the eyelids a little, she applied the eye shadow. Then she drew the eyelid line with Kajal. She looked at herself in the mirror and was satisfied. 

She dressed and had a quick breakfast. She enjoyed the coffee, and slowly the memories of this dream faded. She would survive the next few days, why not? Satisfied with herself, she left the apartment, locked the door and went down to the car. When she arrived on the street, she breathed deeply, enjoying the feeling. A group of workers stood in front of the house and looked behind. She laughed at them and winked before getting into the car. She suddenly felt attractive again, another short reminder. What had happened, why was this dream so intense?

Somehow she had finally survived the morning. Some phone calls, she had gotten the last offers and arranged all appointments with the hotels. Then she had finally finished the calculation for the next events, and also the open mail was done. In the afternoon she could prepare the contracts and bring them to the management. She had tried to avoid possible trouble. Satisfied with herself, she went to the canteen. She decided on a salad with chicken meat and French dressing and freshly baked bread, and looked for a place in the edge. After she had finished, she quickly checked her messages on her mobile phone. 

She was about to get up to leave when a man in a black suit approached her. He wore white gloves, his hair was greased. He didn't fit into that canteen, why hadn't she seen him before? How had he got to her table so quickly? It almost seemed as if he had just appeared. She put her head on her side and looked at him curiously, had she seen him before? The man smiled as he stood at the table and spoke to her. "Mrs. Fischer? She nodded and he gave her a red card. "Don't be late." Then he turned around. "Yes, but. Wait. Where should I go?" He turned around again, smiled. "It's all on the card, Mrs Fischer. I wish you a nice day." Then he disappeared just as mysteriously as he had come. It almost seemed again that he had simply dissolved. She closed her mouth, still surprised, and stared at the red card in her hand. 

Stunned, she tried to understand what had just happened here. The blood in her veins seemed frozen, she trembled. Again and again she looked at the card in her hand. She suddenly remembered the red banners with the blood moon from her dream, she saw it clearly in front of her. The old ruin in the torchlight. She knew this seal, she remembered having already read the name "Realm of Shades". But that was in her dream, how could it be on the card? She really held this card in her hands, turned it. She pinched her arm to make sure she wasn't still sleeping and dreaming, feeling the pain. That was like a nightmare. Had she danced naked for the strangers? And what was that ball to which she was invited. Why she? She had never been to a ball before, should it be something like the Vienna Opera Ball? And what did it mean that only a few humans were invited? She remembered the shadow creatures again. Witches, fairies, vampires and werewolves. And the man who had greeted her at the evening before, others had called him as supreme warlock. He had horns, cat eyes. His face was black and he had a mask with skulls. She trembled as she remembered this guy. 

Was he really there? The invitation said that the supreme warlock would invite her. And why was her appearance "expected"? This sounded more like an request than an invitation.  What if she didn't want to go? So many thoughts, she felt the room rotate around her. Dream and reality mixed more and more. The moon would drive her crazy. She felt her cheeks turning red, she was ashamed of her thoughts about the night before, she had danced naked in front of strangers and was sexually aroused. She remembered the morning when she masturbated in her shower at the thought of this "dream" and how intensely she had multiple orgasms.

In the afternoon the time passed very fast. She had finished the contracts and brought them to the management. After that she just wanted to go home. She said goodbye to the weekend and went home. She had the invitation card in her handbag, her thoughts kept wandering to the ball and the evening before. She had to pull herself together so that she wouldn't have an accident with the car and concentrate on the traffic. That could not be true, that she was so confused. She wouldn't go to the ball anyway, after all she didn't have a suitable dress. She wouldn't dare either, but she had found the reason. If the man in the black suit would show up again, she would tell him that she didn't have a dress. So that was the end of the matter for her.

She had been struggling through the rush hour to get home. When she unlocked the door, she thought she smelled the smoke and the musty smell that had blown over from the swamp that night. She cursed quietly, now her senses were going crazy. When was the full moon finally over? She urgently needed more sleep. She went into her bedroom and froze. On the bed lay a black dress with silk, arm and leg jewellery with rose, and a hair clip. The dress looked charming, it was beautiful. Next to it lay high black boots to tie and another card, she took it and read it: "Sorry, I had forgotten that you probably didn't have a suitable dress for the ball. I didn't want to embarrass you. Please accept my apology and this gown. The Supreme Warlock". She touched the dress, the fingers, checked the fabric. It looked like a fairy tale. She could not resist and tried it on. It fit like it was made for her. She turned in front of the mirror. It was a short dress with a train of tulle to the back, but her legs were free at the front. In addition a very open top set off with point. She had never worn such a gown before and could hardly believe her eyes.

After she had put on her boots, the doorbell rang. She had totally forgotten the time, it was now 3:30pm, a carriage should pick her up. That must have been the man in the black suit again. How could she explain to him that she would not come. She now had a dress, and not just a dress, it was a breathtakingly beautiful dress. Plus a gift from this warlock. That was certainly so club who liked to mask themselves, and their fantasy had played their tricks. Why not just drop by. She would come back in time.  She opened the door, and then, when an eerie man stood in front of the door, scared again with a dark suit and white gloves. "Mrs Fischer, are you ready? They are expected. She trembled, but then nodded and followed the man to a black carriage parked by the side of the road next to the cars. None of the other passers-by seemed to notice this carriage, none turned around or looked. Something couldn't be right with this carriage. The man smiled as he noticed her reaction, "This is magic dust, the others really don't see it!

After a few minutes of driving, she had lost her bearings. Suddenly they lead through a forest. She didn't know where she was anymore. It smelled of mushrooms and moss, the moon shone between the peaks. Were they really only 30 minutes on the road? Suddenly she heard the bells of the old church from afar. Now she remembered them again. Laterally the wolves howled again, accompanying her on her way. She shrank together when an owl cried over her. It smelled musty again and the moor swam. It got darker in the woods as the carriage drove around the bend through the castle gate and stopped in the courtyard in front of the church. The coachman smiled and reached out his hand to help her get out. "Don't worry Mrs. Fischer, you will have a lot of fun. Nobody will do you any harm here, you are a guest. Everything that happens, really everything, that is what you want.

She tried to smile. The man handed her his arm and she followed him. Together they went up the stairs to the ruin. She looked up and saw the big banners again. So it hadn't been a dream, it had happened. There really was this night out of her supposed dream. She had to smile. She remembered how desirable she had filled herself. In the dress she was surely also beautiful, would draw the attention to herself. She felt the heat in her again, her cheeks turned red. She felt her body, she felt how she became more sexually aroused. She stretched her body as she took the last step and entered the hall. She felt that she was at home here, suddenly understood her loneliness in the world out there. She was one of them

The ball was already in progress. Many guests in beautiful dresses were dancing. The music resounded through the hall. She couldn't help but dance, to move her body seductively to the music. The tulle train moved gracefully behind her. Her eyes shone as the supreme warlock approached her, smiling, saying, "I'm glad you came. Welcome to your introductory ball". She made a curtsey to say thank you, she knew everything would change that night, but that was the place she belonged to.

The event "Enchantment under the Moonwas in full swing. It was like a rush.

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