
Underground Rave at "The Haunted Garage"

Underground Rave at "The Haunted Garage"

After the last dance at Sunshine Cove on December 8th, I had to open my garage to the public. For underground rock and the Halloween event I had the necessary equipment, so I just had to put all my courage together and do it. And so the first official party started in my sim. And the name "Haunted Garage" was found to the Halloween Event.

Of course, I wanted the events here to be as successful and imaginative as they were at Sunshine Cove right from the start. I wanted to show Misty that I could do it and that she could rely on us in the future. That we were finally ready to take on real responsibility. I did it to keep the group together, but also for Misty. And Valantine took over the first shift, was the first DJ at this now officially open place. This is also a sign for the new cohesion in the family. 

And Bic was at our side at that time also and supported us again and again. You will have many friends when a club flourishes and you are well. But real friendship only shows itself in need. 

We were very curious, and after everything was prepared, we could only wait once again. Would our friends come, especially Misty of course, and how many of our guests would follow us to the new place? The excitement was really great before the first official event that would take place at my place. And with the rent for the sim, some tips for the DJs and hosts and the contests, I only had 3 months to find out if it worked. Then my saved reserves would be gone and I could start my SL from scratch again. 

But at least we could have a merry Christmas and New Year's Eve and nobody should have to think about a possible closure like the year before. So at the beginning I kept my doubts to myself and smiled. 

And then it started. The first guests came and it quickly became fuller. I had tears in my eyes, most of our friends came, and Misty also kept her word. She had promised to support us all on our way and so she was there again from the beginning. She needed a break from the responsibility of leading clubs, being there every week and always being there for others. And we had taken responsibility. And we all got options for the future. Whatever the paths will be, we will go them together. And sometimes the unpaved way is the stonier way, the better way. For me, a completely new SL began that day, an untouched path layed ahead of me.

Thanks, Misty. For all your support. For letting me learn so much. And also for the fact that you always challenged me and in the end also pushed me. You supported me, but did not take any decisions for me. And you accepted my choice and have always been by my side to catch me and carry me when I stumble.  

It was a successful first evening at the Haunted Garage. We had a lot of fun and many guests accepted the invitation. Of course you can't compare it to a new opening of a club, because here the story continued. Our Sunshine Rocker group had accepted it. So this evening was not a new beginning but a turning point in the history of the Sunshine Family. And we could all see a light at the end, hoping to stay together for a long time. 

A journey always begins with one step. And sometimes a small step can change everything. 

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