
Trails End Music Hall reopening

Reopening "Trails End Music Hall"

After rebuilding and reopening our Sunshine Cove Beach Club at the beginning of the summer, we go one step further back to the end of the summer country. In the skybox next to the Sunshine Garden we have rebuilt the large barn of the Trails End Music Hall Club and will end the summer with some country and biker events. We will also revive well-known event formats, such as Monster Rock Night with our DJ Valantine.

New Trails End Music Hall in Sunshine Realm

In summer 2016 the original Trails End Music Hall Club was opened. He was our home until February 2017, and most of us will remember the events there.  

Picture Postcard of the old Trails End Music Hall

We wanted also to promote country and blues music besides rock and metal music and even then we had bikers and country events. With the new event location in the Sunshine Realm we want to follow this tradition. We have changed a lot, but we try to keep the old ambiance. And of course we also have the big bar where the girls will dance in coyote ugly style on the bar. As everywhere in our country the INTAN dance balls are well filled, so that we will have a lot of fun with our guests in the next days. 

We will remember the great reopening at 8/31/2018 of the great MONSTER ROCK events. At that time we had up to 80 guests, and a lot of fun. We will have a great Rock Event this night at the new place.

Monster Rock Party in old Trails End

We will follow on Saturday the 9/01 with a first country event. We hope for many cowboys and cowgirls, indians and squaws. DJ Alexa Bliss was also present at th eold place under her old name. She will entertain us with appropriate music.

Cowboys and Indians Party in old Trails End Club

We look forward for some wonderful events at the new place with a lot guests.

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