
Trails End Revive

Trails End Music Hall Is Back!

Yesterday was finally the day. Misty and me had talked for weeks about how about getting back the old Trails End Music Hall? Then we worked intensively in the last days to bring this old Club back. On the one hand the club should still be the old one, but it had to fit into the new world of the Sunshine Realm. So no beach, because its wide and wide open appearance of the barn would not match the revitalized Sunshine Cove Beach Club, nor the street with the Sunshiner's. So the Sunshine Garden seemed to us the most suitable for the new place. And a note also fits into a park-like landscape, between trees and nature and dirty ways. 

So we placed the club right here. But how would our friends react. Many of us have their own memories of the months with the Trails End Music Hall Club in 2016. Would they find themselves in that new place? And our guests? Would some of our old guests from this time come by back and how will the newer guests react? Many questions, it is always exciting when we open a new place. And in this case it was somehow an old place with tons of memories. 

the new Trails End Music Hall waiting for the first guests

We were nervous. The first ones who came to visit us before, were all enthusiastic and found themselves in the new place. Old memories were exchanged. But this also raised our expectations. It is always difficult to predict how many guests would attend our event. Sometimes 50 guests come, and one week later it starts slowly and we are happy when we have 30 visitors. We always have a lot of visitors due to the different places and events, but a prognosis is actually impossible. 

We started punctually at 4pm and the first guests arrived quickly. I had many IM's open, the guests were mostly enthusiastic, and many remembered the old Trails End Music Hall Club. We quickly had a lot of good reviews, which made us very happy and proud. 

The barn with dancing guests

We didn't expect how much this old place meant to our friends and guests. That we have created so many good memories through our activities in SL. 

For some of our friends it was also their first contact with the old club and this part of the history of today's Sunshine Family. They also recognized something of this old mood. And perhaps some now understand better what it means to belong to the Sunshine Family. That also out of the trust that we have placed in them. That it is something special to be part of this family.

DJ Valantine dancing at the Bar

Valantine was amazing and played a fantastic set. Even though it was a MONSTER ROCK party as a reference to the Friday events of that time in the old Trails End Music Hall, she managed the balancing act, and besides rock and metal music she also found quieter songs in her playlist that evening. And instead of looking for a place on stage, she was at the bar, dancing. Thank you Valantine for a wonderful evening. So we didn't stop at 6pm, Valantine went into extra time and until 7:30 pm were not only the Sunshine Girls, also some guests stayed with us for so long.

Misty, Celi and me in the row

We were more than 80 guests that evening. Not everyone could stay all the time, some just stopped by to say short "Hello". At the peak we were 65 people in the barn. Its really long ago that we had so many guests same time. And many stayed with us the whole time, so at the end the contest was filled with 8 pages. We increased the Jackpot to 1,250 L$ to say "Thanks" to our guests, than they make the place so special. 

It was a great success, and it has been a very long time since we had more than 60 guests at the same time. Maybe we really manage to connect to the old Trails End Music Hall where we had 80 people in the barn at the same time. We will try to create a new challenge for the Sunshine Family. So that evening we talked about new ideas and plans, and that we should make the Trails End Music Hall barn the new center in the Sunshine Realm. A new place to meet, a new identification for our friends.

Contest finish, the event successful managed

Of course, it's exciting every time there are so many guests. Besides, we had built a lot in the Sim in the last 2 days, also this can be bad for the region, can generate lag. Lag is of course a constant theme in SL, but it can also make an event very difficult. Thanks to our Land lord "Jewels Island" for provide this well managed place for us. We also had many guests on the contest board, which can also be difficult. So it became exciting, we appealed again to the guests not to click around wildly and nervously on the board, but to vote in a disciplined way. And it worked out well, in only 15 minutes everyone had cast their votes, and we could breathe a sigh of relief. The evening was done, everything had worked and our guests had accepted the new place. We could look forward to a nice after-party.

Like usual we have a lot more pictures shot till this event. You will find them in my Google Images Album for this event. You are citizen of SL and curious to see this place? here is the landmark to find the new Trails End Music Hall in SecondLife.

And as usual, after the party is before the next party. We're looking ahead, tonight at 4pm we're already going into the next round. With DJ Alexa we start into a country music night. Of course we hope that many will follow our invitation again. And that this party will also be unforgettable. And we will let follow many more events at this old and yet new place. The Trails End Music Hall Club is back and we will not give it up so soon.

1 comment:

  1. Such an amazing place to visit in SL. Designed with such talent and creativity. Well worth a visit :)
