

Trails End Music Hall presents MONSTER ROCK

Today it was finally time again. Thank God it's Friday and we started the party weekend at the Sunshine Realm. And as already announced, we stayed at the new Trails End Music Hall Club for now. And Friday is just the best time for a party, and Valantine is our Rock Queen, so it was time for a new MONSTER Rock Party. Punctually at 4pm we arrived at the Sunshine Realm and started the rock night. We were really curious when Misty couldn't come today. She had an appointment in RL. Unfortunately, this also means that some of the Sunshine Girls don't came. So it wasn't the best conditions. And after the successful opening party last week, expectations were naturally very high.

Our Rock Queen, DJ Valantine on Air

Now there's a story aside. One of our friends was gone for a while because he was not in SL due to holidays and business obligations. But in June he said in fun that he will increase the contest in the Sunshine Realm once when France becomes football world champion. What's that? We know that somehow the French team really made it and he wanted to keep his promise. So he wrote in the group chat that he would increase the contest by 1,000 L$ when 40 people came tonight. And we were soon more than 40, and the run was opened. By a further anonymous donation we could increase the contest again by 500 L$, if actually more than 60 guests should come. And, although many clubs complain that fewer and fewer guests are coming, we were quickly 60. And that with less staff. At the end of the evening we were exactly 70, so if the Sunshine Girls had been here too, we would not only have beaten the record in the new country, we would have approached the 80.

Contest with 2,500 L$ and 10 Pages

Due to the many guests we had suddenly filled 10 pages in the contest with participants. I've never seen so many contestants in a contest before, and yet I had soft knees. Would that go well? We've had problems a few times, and even though the region here is really good, so many people and a contest can create quite a bit of lag. So I once again admonished everyone to vote considerately and also to think of the others. But I have also clearly said that I take people out of the contest when I observe that they click on the board several times in quick succession. So there were also 4 warnings, and one expulsion. But in the end we were able to finish the voting in 30 minutes, and that without a forced break for the board, as we had to do several times in the past. And in the end 57 guests had voted. Thanks again to all guests who behaved considerately. And of course to the landlord, the region has held.

Rocking at the Bar with 70 guests

So we can be curious what will happen in the next weeks in our new Trails End Music Hall Club. The second weekend, and after the record of 65 people last week we had 70 today. And that with less staff. Are we gonna outbid that again next week? What will happen when we have specials again with Octoberfest, Halloween and Thanksgiving. Will we reach the limits of the region? 

Dancefloor at Trails End Music Hall

Thank you Valantine for your wonderful set. It was really another MONSTER Rock night. Thanks also to all present Sunshine Girls, together we do we rocked it. And together with our guests we make the Sunshine Realm a special place in SecondLife. Thank you. I'll take care of it.

Where is my bra? Its to hot in the Barn

How every time, there's more pictures to see. Just take a look at my Google Images Album. And if you are curious to visit our clubs in the Sunshine Realm, here is the landmark in the grid. We would be happy, maybe you'll come by next Friday at 4pm SLT, when there's a new MONSTER Rock Party here at the Trails End Music Club.

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