
Amphitrite and Poseidon

Amphitrite and Poseidon

A few days ago we talked in the group about new events. The idea of an "underwater event" came up. Even though we didn't have the time to build a suitable underwater world yet, we still wanted to use the idea. And so the event "Amphitrite and Poseidon" was born. Since we were not sure how many guests would come with a costume suitable for the merfolk, we gave the guests the opportunity to attend this event in formal evening dress in addition to a matching costume. And we chose the Sunshine Lagoon as the location for the event. This is our new beach club, and we all love this special place, which is probably unique for a club and not "off the shelf". We always strive to build very individual and unique venues. We were really curious to see how many guests would come and if guests would come with appropriate costumes. 

And we were looking forward to the event while we put together outfits for ourselves.

We started at 4pm and DJ Polpeta had again put together a very nice set. And also the first guests came quickly. And all our expectations were surprised. Most of them came as representatives of the merfolk or deity of the seas. It became so fast a very colorful event. The music that Polpeta had chosen also fitted very well and all these were building blocks for one of the most extraordinary events. We could welcome some new members into our group, who were probably attracted by the theme. We danced and laughed exuberantly and there were many interesting conversations.

We opened another contest today and started with 1,000 L$. Of course we were very nervous because we couldn't finish a contest on Tuesday during the Memorial Day celebration due to ongoing problems in the region. Since we quickly had more than 30 participants, we increased the jackpot to 1,250 L$. And then something happened, which shows how good the mood was and that this mood also jumped over to all visitors. We received an initial donation and were able to increase the winning amount to 2,000 L$.

But this was not to be the end, another donation raised the jackpot to 3,000 L$. We were very happy. So here again my thanks to the anonymous donors and all members of the Sunshine Family. We can think of ideas and build or decorate new venues on these themes. But in the end it's our friends who accept the weekly challenges and put together wonderful outfits, or the guests who have outfits that fit the theme. They all are the reason why the events at the Sunshine Realm are so special.

We had 75 visitors that night and in the end 67 of them came together to our lagoon same time. This is a very good result. And we regularly checked the condition of the region and of course especially the contest board. There was a delay again, but despite the many visitors and colourful costumes, it stayed within manageable limits. Maybe it was because this time nobody was our neighbour in the region. But so many visitors, it was the second best visited event this year, and many participants in the contest. It was a queasy feeling, after all there were 10 pages in the contest. Hopefully everything would work.

We delayed the voting a bit to give the board a little more time, to process possible open clicks from registration and to give the region some relief. Then we opened the voting, of course with the request to our guests to behave considerately and actually click the board only once during a cycle. And it worked. It took a little longer, all guests behaved considerately, and so vote by vote was counted. In the end, we had 49 votes, and we were able to distribute the profit shares without any problems. Of course a burden fell from our hearts and we were happy. So we could enjoy the after-party even more and were looking forward to upcoming events.

After-party at Sunshine Realm. That's always special. Many of the Sunshine Girls are just looking forward to this part and are happy to dance topless or in even tighter outfits or lingerie. So it gets very hot and sex is in the air. You should really come by, everyone is welcome to join. And it costs nothing. 

DJ Polpeta continued her set until shortly before 8pm and we all celebrated in a very relaxed way. It was a nice end of a wonderful event. Everything worked, although we were able to welcome many new guests with the theme. It is a special feeling to go to bed after such an event and repeat everything in your mind. Shortly after 8pm it was time to say goodbye. For me the sun was already rising in the real world.

We will take up this topic again and organize a new event for the merfolk. And then we hopefully finished a reef cave under the Sunshine Lagoon and can really go under water. This will be better for the many mermaids and mermen, and also the sea deities will feel better underwater. The anticipation with us is very big, and we hope that there will be many visitors again.

It is often the anticipation and preparation of events that is the most fun. So we are looking forward to the challenge to build an underwater world for the first time ever and to go underwater with an event.

And also a last look at the development of our Sunshine Realm. We had 75 guests that evening and 67 were at our lagoon at the same time. We could celebrate the first time 1,100 members in our group. Experience shows that this number fluctuates somewhat and we might lose some members again. But nevertheless we are very happy to have reached the next threshold. And also the traffic value was very good. We did not reach the 10,000 again, but with 9,401 we had a very good value. And this in only 4 hours for event and After-Party. 

I also shot a lot of pictures again. As always, these are shared in a Google Images Album that I'm happy to share with you again. I invite you to browse through the pictures. Pictures often say more than words, and maybe we shot a picture of you too. In any case you will get an impression of this beautiful and colorful event.

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