
Carnival of Cultures

Karneval der Kulturen

Der Karneval der Kulturen (Carnival  of Cultures) is a famous festival in Berlin which was canceled sadly this year about Covid-19. It is a multicultural festival and shows the diversity of different peoples and cultures. Berlin is a multicultural City, And if we open our minds this diversity makes our life much more colored. We wanted to set a clear sign of openness and equality for each people, irrespective of his race, gender, religion, culture, nationality and orientation.

The Sunshine Realm is a colorful community and the Sunshine Girls and our friends come from different countries of the world, our mother tongues are different, but we are friends here, a family. We understand that we live together in the same world which we share. We have no prejudices. We stand for a tolerant world without walls and violence. And we want to make this thought visible with our event today.

We asked our guests to show us a part of the own culture and nationality when they would come to us today. Every live counts. And in the actual situation special, Black Life matters! There is no first-class and second-class life!

We are in SL but we'll meet in Berlin tonight in front of the Brandenburg Gate. Thank you Misty for creating it and with this the base for our event tonight. We build parts of a Wall too. And one thing shows the Berlin history. Exclusions and walls do not solve problems, they create new ones. Only together, and nobody first. Berlin was once a symbol of division. Today it is a symbol of unity. The unity of Germany, which was only possible with the help of others. So it is also a symbol of unity in the world. 

Friday 06/12/2020 @ 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
DJ Polpeta
Festival Place (RoS)
1,000 L$ (S) Contest

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