
Eqyptian Night

Eqyptian Night

It was not only to be the highlight of the week, we were looking forward to this very special event. We already had fun setting up a new venue and were looking forward to seeing us friends and guests in this. So we kept the new venue a secret for a long time and invited everyone to the Sunshine Temple.

The invitation already revealed that there had to be another place. "A forgotten temple in an ancient oasis risen from the sand and hidden away from the world for thousands of years under the sand of the desert. Some days ago a storm blow away this sand and this pyramid appeared, like time wouldn't went away." The Sunshine Temple is awesome and unique, but its not a Pyramid.

And we continued "The Pharaoh receives his subjects and guests to a glittering ceremonial reception. Find some matching clothes and come to the new oasis and the temple to meet the Pharaoh and to worship the Egyptian Gods."   

We were so curious what this evening would be like.  A night in the desert of Eqyptian, in the temple at the shore of the River Nile. And so we also prepared our outfits much more elaborately and detailed. It was fun, and the new pyramid also invites as a place for photo sessions. The tension was almost unbearable, and we were glad when it finally happened.

And then finally it happened. The first ones were already waiting in the temple and wondered why there was no equipment. By cleaning up we had also deleted the tipjars there. I also waited outside until it was really 4pm. Then I jumped to the new location and sent a teleport to everyone and moved the landing place for the event in front of the new pyramid. It could start, and the first reactions of our friends rewarded us for the effort. Everyone was surprised.

But that's when the problems started. We had cleaned our Sunshine Realm thoroughly and removed many not needed objects. Even if it will be more difficult for us to prepare everything in time in the future. But we were only a small part and the Region was overloaded, while our Sim was back in the borders. And today everything found its climax. Already when moving the landing point there were problems, some still landed on the old, others on the new one. And I couldn't change it anymore. Only we didn't know then what was still to come.

DJ Yui started punctually at 4pm with her beautiful set. More and more guests came. Some had not read the invitation and thought that formal evening dresses would be acceptable for this time as well. But we were strict today and asked everyone to come in suitable outfits. It became fuller, but in the beginning everything seemed to work. It was so wonderful to see everyone with such creative and impressive outfits and we had a lot of fun. I noticed right at the beginning that the chat relays (once again) did not work. I wanted to fix it and deleted the old 4 relays. But that did not work any more. Some guests "disappeared", the avatars were completely invisible. This was even the better problem, because many others appeared as Classic nerd avatars and mostly even without clothes. The Sim was totally out of control. Misty and me were only invisible for us self and others.

Because Misty was been hit too, we tried to save the situation by rebooting us and moving out, but nothing seemed to help first. Finally I deleted all my caches and logged in my skybox, which is located in the SecondLife Mainland. After a few minutes I was visible again, breathes deep and fixed myself first fast before jumping back to Sunshine Realm. Misty deleted some things with scripts, I cleaned up the relays that were not working anyway and slowly the region caught up. It was exhausting and exciting, but the contest board worked, only the intan system was still bucking at the end. But we would survive this event and finish it.

Many guests, even friends who had prepared, left us during the problem phase. Wo want stay as naked noob classic avatar? We are sad, because some had prepared intensively. But it was out of our hands and will hopefully get better now. We reported the problems and afterwards showed our good will. And we will reuse the pyramid, maybe not immediately with a repeat of the Egyptian Night, but Indiana Jones and Lara Croft, who knows, let yourself be surprised.

We were glad when the end was approaching and we could open the voting. The board worked steadily and we were only 31 people after the crash. Normally it would have been easy to double that number. In total I counted 44 guests, but in between I was not only distracted but also absent. There were probably more than 44. 21 of the participants cast their votes and the payout also worked.

So we were very relieved that we could finish the event well after all and were looking forward to the after-party even more. DJ Polpeta took over the entertainment for our naughty after-party again. I wonder what appears under the elaborate outfits when our friends start to undress? There was a lot of gold there too and it was so adorable. This special pyramid and theme really inspired many and it got hot at the feet of the big statue of a pharaoh. 

We stayed together until 8pm when it was time for bed. Maybe some of us kept on partying and dancing in our dreams. It was really special tonight. Let's see when it's time for another excursion to the pyramid. Anyway, I am looking forward to it. But our events are planned until the end of June. We have also prepared that in the last two days on the side. So it's worth taking a look at the Upcoming Events. We are looking forward to many nice and colourful evenings together with friends.

To the numbers only briefly today. The number of groups stagnated at 1,109, but luckily we didn't lose one. And we still reached a traffic value of 5,575. For our own demands on our events certainly not a good value, but for the fact that we could finish the event despite the problems, also good.

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