
The Garden of the Gods

The Garden of the Gods

At the beginning of time only chaos existed, so the Greek history of the gods begins. And this is often the case even today. At least one should think. That's how it was when we started planning this event. Something for our new temple hill, and best of all with Greek and Roman mythology. It's easy, one would think. At least in the world of Secondlife, which is only built from dreams and fantasies. And yet it was difficult. At the beginning only chaos existed.

That's why I have again dealt with the Greek mythology, with this world of gods, demigods, mythical creatures, heroes, .... And it is always exciting to travel back in time. We owe much to the time when people followed these gods, it is almost like the cradle of our world today, be it democracy, the right to vote (also for women), marriage, and much more. The art of fighting disputes with arguments, talking to each other before making a decision. That alliances are only strong together, and not everyone can survive on their own. It is worth wandering back in time.

But back to the beginning, we remember, there was chaos. From chaos came Gaia, the earth, and Eros, love. Besides arose of Gaia Nyx, the night and Erebos, the darkness. These two then father Aither, the Light. The family tree of the Greek gods is full of fantasy and colored imaginations.

From Gaia, the earth, the mountains and the ocean emerged. Gaia also gave birth to Uranos, the sky. Uranos was the supreme deity of the 1st generation. Gaia delivered with Uranos the 12 Titans, the ancestors of the gods. Led by Zeus, the gods rose up against the Titans and declared war on them. Finally they won this war only with the help of cunning and betrayal and climbed Olympus, the home of the gods of the 2nd generation.

Afterwards the island world prospered at the feet of Olympus and a divine personality hid behind every appearance of nature. In Greece's Garden of the Gods. Much developed in this time, it was a time of progress, of science, of philosophers, but also of war and power struggles. But also rushing celebrations and unrestrained lust. 

For us, this Garden of the Gods was the theme today. Together with our guests we gone back to our Temple Mount, to the mythology and the time of the ancient Greek (and Roman) Empire. This was the inspiration for today's event. And we had a lot amazing costumes, as a temple servant or as a warrior. Some could be a scholar, others chosen  colorful frolicsome fantasy dresses. 

And also Dionysus, the Greek god of wine, joy, grapes, fertility, madness and ecstasy, wasn't forgotten today. He was the youngest Greek god, and could also be the god of SecondLife. Today he was it for the Sunshine Family. 

We had exuberant music, both DJ were awsome today. We have celebrate and there was be much naked skin, the lust and pleasure belongs also to this God. 

And perhaps Ambrosia, the immortalizing food of the gods, was also be found. Surely kisses in our temple are always taste sweeter than ambrosia or ragweed, because they come from our fantasy alone, combined with our most beautiful experiences from the real world. And because lust and pleasure are part of the theme, we said, that everyone could come without dress, just . And some of our friend were confident enough for that.

We started like usual at 4pm and DJ YuiMetal entertained us with music for 2 hours. She started with some new age  music and  slided into  some trance  music. She changed later to  some eternal music with feeling, only to changed than into  symphonic  and epic stuff like nightwish and others. It was an amazing evening. 

We had a lot fun all, and danced in our temple. And of course we made a contest in splitmode again, we opened it with a jackpot of 1,000 L$. And the end were 35 guests there, and 25 of them joined and voted in contest.

At 6pm DJ Polpeta took over the entertainment and played the after-party for us. 

At the latest then there were be a lot of naked skin and dancing bodies again.

We have some more pictures in this Google Images Album. Maybe you want watch them and if you are curious to take part at one of our next events, you will find us at this landmark in the grid of Secondlife.

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