
Country Night

Country Night at Trails End Music Hall

After the big success with our "Hearts On Fire" Valentine Ball yesterday we wanted to get some breath today. So we went back to an already proven format, and went to a Country Night at the Trails End Music Hall Club. The barn is not only a great place for such an event, it's also ready. And events at Trails End Music Hall are always something special, as was the case at our first Country Night 2019 in January. So only the equipment had to be brought in by our Acropelis and everything was ready. We reused an old poster and the landing point had to be moved. Our 2nd Country Night 2019 could begin.

Again we were in the Room Club before, DJ Vanny was there for the Girls School of Rock. Valantine couldn't come herself today, she was trapped in the RL. But there were some who helped. So this event could also take place. But it was a rather quiet event. We used the time to prepare us for the Country Night. And then it was time, everyone came to the Trails End Music Hall Club at 4pm.

DJ YuiMetal (Alexa Bliss) was already there and had already started her music stream, so we continued without a break. At the beginning our plan worked out, that it could become a little bit quieter. We danced together, there was a lot of talking and laughing, and it almost could have been a family reunion. There were only a few guests at the beginning.

But of course we once again underestimated the country format. Of course we used the Sunshine VIP group to send invitations. And since it was a country night at the Trails End Music Hall, once again the old Trails End group. Although the old Trails End Music Hall Club hasn't existed for more than a few years, there are still a lot of people in this group who don't come regularly anymore. So it quickly got fuller.

Of course there was another contest, which we opened with 1,000 L$. Like yesterday it was Travi and Skyee who opened the race with a donation. They gave us 200 L$ to increase the contest. It was a pleasure for our guests. When there were again 6 sides in the contest, more than 30 participants, we put 300 L$ into the jackpot ourselves, and of course divided it in the two groups. But even with that we were not at the end, another anonymous donation brought us to the sum of 2,000 L$. And altogether there were 50 guests in our barn together. Unfortunately some friends and guests had to leave before, otherwise there would have been even 55 people.

When we opened the voting, there were 38 participants in the contest. The voting was normal. At the end 34 votes were cast. But we also had new guests who had come alone and did not vote. Again everything worked out, the region was very stable this weekend, even though we had a lot of guests on both evenings, more than 130 guests at both events. So it was the first time that we reached a traffic value of 10740, and that with an event place that has only 3 days a week for 3-4 hours guests each, and where no bots are placed in the sim and thus provide an artificially high value.

We were happy when the event was over. It was very nice, both events this weekend were a success. But also very exhausting. And after DJ YUIMetal had finished her set, DJ Polpeta took over the after-party. We stayed together for 2 hours, danced together and laughed a lot. It's nice again to spend time with the SL family. Of course there was a lot of naked skin to see again, and some wonder how realistic avatars are in SL already, how movements were depicted. It's always a special time and Polpeta entertained us with excellent country music. At 8pm most of them went to bed and the others also left. 

It was a special, very nice weekend. And the work before was worth it. It's fun to create new event formats and venues, prepare for them and go shopping. But an evening is only perfect when friends and guests come and accept these places, follow the themes with the appropriate clothing. Only in the eyes of others can you see how successful a new place is. So we can only say thank you again and again to our friends and guests who make our event locations complete and colourful. And thanks to our SL family who supports us again and again.

It's always the same closure. Not only do I like to write in my diary, I also like to take pictures. And so you can find some more pictures in my Google Images Album. If you also have pictures of the event, you can upload them. Just let me know. And of course I would be happy about comments in this blog. It's like event venues that only become something special in the eyes of others and come to life, this blog also lives from your reactions.

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