
Country Night at Trails End

Country Night in Trails End Music Hall

Actually, Misty and me were expecting a quiet weekend. When we planned it, we only had very simple ideas. We wanted to go to Sunshiner's Pub on Friday and Trains End Music Hall on Saturday. After the Christmas season and the events our expectations were not so high. Many are still on extended vacation. On Friday the spontaneous idea to organize a Trivia Party, it was the National Trivia Day in the USA, so a good idea. And it became a successful party.

So for today we thought about doing a "Country Night" again. DJ Alexa is actually always good for a successful country evening, and the Trails End Music Hall is really good for such an event. And it's always fun to find suitable clothes and to see what the other Sunshine Girls and the guests think about our topics. All in all it seemed to be a rather quiet evening, SecondLife was actually rather empty in all Sims.

We were curious how many guests would come, would all come as cowboys and cowgirls? We started right at 4pm with our "Country Night" and like usual entertained us DJ Alexa Bliss very well. And there are days in SecondLife  which make me speechless and surprised. Even though many of our regular guests and also some of our friends could not come, it quickly became crowded. the people who left us earlier the counter stand at 75 today.  And of course we could see many cowboy hats and western boots, almost all come in matching dresses. 

We noticed that some of the guests were new. We had more than 10 new members in our guest group. We also used the old Trails End group again for invitations, so some guests came who we hadn't seen in a long time. So quickly 5 pages in the contest were full, and in order to thank us, we increased the winning amount in the contest to 1,250 L$. But we really had to start with that. And if you know us, you also know that the Sunshine Realm is very special.

The first surprise was the number of visitors. Due to the many new guests, we quickly compensated for the lack of regular guests, and we were quickly in the Trails End with 50 people. But it wasn't over yet, soon there were 60 and then 70 visitors. With those who unfortunately had to leave earlier, we had more than 80 guests this evening. So we were probably one of the most visited clubs that evening, even though we are not shown in the SecondLife destinations.

Then we got donations for the contest again. After increasing it to 1,250 L$, Bic donated 750 L$ and said, "Make it to 2,000 L$.". At the same time another anonymous donation came and wanted that we to increase the winning amount to 1,500 L$. So we both gave on the Jackpot and the contest briefly stood at 2,250 L$. But the carousel continued to turn and 2 more anonymous donations increased the amount first to 2,500 L$ and then to 3,000 L$. So we tripled the winning amount for the evening.

So it quickly became fuller and hotter in the big barn. Everybody danced and laughed, and as often in the Sunshine Realms the first of our Sunshine Girls danced topless and showed their pretty titties which were swinging in the rhythm. So also the men had their fun.

At the end we had 54 members in the contest, spread over 9 pages. That's already close to the limit of what's possible, and we were nervous whether everything would work with the voting. We had some problems in the last weeks, the region was slower than sometimes expected, and some of the guests were unfair to the others and clicked on the board several times in a quick sequence, because the confirmation was delayed. So this time we also called for a sensible handling of the board. 

Unfortunately there were some problems with the vote. The lag in the sim wasn't so high, we had talked to some of them before to lower the number of scripts, but such a large number of participants in the contest board who want to vote at the same time is difficult. So there were some wrong votes, we blocked the board for a short time and talked to all of them again. After this break it went on relatively fast, and in the end everyone could vote, even for the right person.The payment also went well, and we were glad that everything worked out as far as possible.

Of course there was a celebration again. DJ Polpeta took over the stream and entertained us really well. We were happy, even more clothes fell and we danced happily. Lorica then took over the role of the dancer on the bar, and we hoped he would strip for us. Unfortunately we didn't quite make it that evening.

This evening has shown again. Even if it gets emptier in SecondLife due to the holiday season, you can also swim against the current. And with the right group you can fill a region during this time.

Like usual will you find all pictures of the evening in my Google Images Album.

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