
Opposite Day

National Opposite Day at Sunshiner's Pub

What a day. At very short notice, we have decided on a difficult topic. The National Opposite Day on January 25th was the inspiration for our own Opposite Day at the Sunshine Realm. And with the Sunshiner's Pub we also had the right place for this evening. For many it became a challenge to find a suitable outfit. And it was only 4 hours time, for many even less. But that's also part of the Sunshine Family. Not the monotony of events, but always new ideas and tasks. And not only new venues and decorations, but also funny or creative outfits.

But that shouldn't be the only challenge this evening.

The Invitation was simple, show you opposite Side, say the opposite. So is a "Bad Morning" suddenly a "Good Evening". And the Sunshiner's Pub becomes the Moonfader's Pub, People wear the underwear about the  clothes, and other dunny ideas. The Opposite Day is a funny day. Today is National Opposites Day, its a big fun for kids in the USA. And we will celebrate it at the Sunshiner's Pub with our friends and guests. Show us your opposite side and say opposite. We wish you all a bad morning at the Moonfader's Club. 

We were very curious what would happen this evening. And as usual on Fridays, we were in the Room Club of Valantine for 2 hours before. But already then there were a lot of conversations about Opposite Day and the outfits. 

On time at 4pm we went to the Sunshine Realm and opened the event. But already in the first minutes, before the guests arrived, we noticed an above average high lag. Of course Lag shows up first when the people walk from the dock to the pub. But also the contestboard reacted very slowly when I stopped the topic and set the prize money of 1,000 L$. Should we still reset the board? But then also the dance HUDs reacted much too slowly, especially the Couple Dance INTAN Ball caused a lot of script errors and was hard to use. And more and more people came, it quickly filled up, and almost everyone came with their own ideas for Opposite Day.

DJ Valantine took the Stream and entertained us with a colored bundle of music. She came with short and blond hairs. I know Valantine since October 2015, i didn't saw her before with blonde hair. This was the first surprise of the evening. Most of the Sunshine Girls changed their individual style for the evening. From more light colored Clothes to black, from blond hair to dark.

And also our friends and guests surprised us. Men came as women, women had more masculine clothes, and those who were otherwise dressed more formally came in jeans or as nerds.

But it got worse and worse. Misty came a little later. We had already discussed what we could do during the time before. Finally I called one of the Jewels land managers for help. We already had more than 30 guests at that time, and more and more were added. Certified Lunasea came, maybe he could find a reason to at least save the event somehow. Because at that time it was already somehow clear to us that we wouldn't be able to finish the event and especially the voting.

Now it got even more complicated. Many guests and also Sunshine Girls wrote IMs, I had to continue hosting the event and welcome the guests, and now also the conversation with the Landmanager. He talked about scripts, collisions, prims, too much used memory in the Region. Scripts attached to avatars and the land. But we hadn't changed anything since the successful weekend up in the Realm of Shades.  How could that happen? Anyway, I only understood half of it. But i did understood once, the region could only healing with a restart. Now seems all lost. 

We knew that the region could not be saved without a new start. Misty and I have consulted with the land manager again and have decided to dare the adventure. Even once it had not worked to interrupt a running event for a short time. In the Halloween time we had given up the event "Scare in the Warehouse" in spite of our efforts. But we trust Certified Lunasea, he helped us with a lot before. And he was there to intervene and help.

The land would take about 10 minutes to restart, but it could take up to an hour. The only thing that helps is praying. After a short arrangement with Valantine we asked all guests to go to the Room Club. Earlier than usual we had raised the jackpot of the contest to 1,250 L$ to calm down the guests a bit and get the attention. There Valantine would continue to DJ. The land manager promised to keep us up to date. I deleted Greeter and Security, and the country could start again. We were 40 people at the time, 33 of whom were stranded in the Room Club.

After a little more than 10 minutes the good news came, the region was up again. Misty was there first to test and she gave the green light for us all. The Sim was functioning normally, there was hardly any lag. So we took the guests back to the Sunshiner's and Valantine continued the set here. We decided to extend the event a bit to give everyone enough time to come back. And quickly the guests came back. Since we also used the group, we were quickly 40 again, and soon there should be more than 50 guests. With the fluctuation, which was understandably greater that evening, more than 70 guests visited us that evening.

Then Phil made a donation. He gave us 2,000 L$ to fill the contest, 3,250 L$ was the new winning amount to distribute. We had concerns that it would attract even more guests. And if there should be problems with the voting in the end, then the trouble would be much bigger. But who dares nothing, who wins nothing. So we used the group to announce the news, and we extended the registration time for the contest. The event went into the extra time.

But those who know the Sunshine Realm also know that it is not over. Another anonymous donation reached us. "Let's make it an even 4K" was the announcement. Of course everyone was happy, the board reacted in the expected range, but we were a bit worried.

Everything that followed was like intoxication. Many guests, beautiful music. I danced on stage, the crowd in front of me. I quickly took off my shirt under my jacket because it got too warm. The excitement was clearly visible. Some new guests came, especially we were happy about the visit of our neighbour Chant and Sergio von Lyrics. The conversation in the local was lively and fun.

If we hadn't closed the board, more guests would have come or stayed. This evening we could have easily crossed the 60's bar again. But we decided for the safe way, new arrivals would delay the region and could create lag again. So we went into a shutdown and continued celebrating. Fortunately, we don't have a "Man" who can block everything, in the Sunshine Realm the women are in power. And not only on Opposite Day.

And it got hotter and hotter. More guests took off their clothes, showed more naked skin. It was so hot when bodies touch each other while dancing, moving sensually together. This is not only the case in the RL, with the right imagination SecondLife also becomes real and real, all this happens.

We have successfully completed the voting. A chaotic event was successfully completed. It's hard to describe, I was just infinitely relieved and happy, full of adrenalin. That's how the After-Party began. And there were more guests than usual. We had a lot of fun and the Sunshine Girls used the occasions, and danced exuberantly without the cramping clothes. So again there was a lot of naked skin and sexy lingerie to see, maybe you should also come over.

You will find more pictures in the Google Images Album.

the last picture show the performance graph after the restart. Its show, that we decided right in the night, this unusual step was the key to finish one of the craziest events we made in our land so far. Thank you so much Certified Lunasea for your help. And thank you to all our friends who helped at this night, Valantine as DJ and with covering the break time in her Room Club, the Guests who stayed, and the Donors for the Contest. I am proud to be a Sunshine Girl, proud to run this place with Misty for the family. You all are the best.

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