
Back in the Winter

Back in the Winter

We want to go with you to the Winterland with our friends and guests today. The Winterland, our world with snow and ice. So we said our guests they should wear warm clothes. 

It was time to sit back and remember that we still have winter in the northern hemisphere, many of us are struggling with frost and snow. But also how beautiful and clean the winter is. We celebrated this event at our frozen Pond.

But before we could start the event, a lot had to be done. The problems of the previous day on our Opposite Day should not be repeated. We had agreed with Certified Lunasea that he would take a look at the sim again in idle mode. Of course we cause a number of problems with our regular new buildings and several venues. And as I always say, women build with imagination and taste, not with a calculator and mind. He had promised to help us, and he had kept his word. 

As a result, we cleaned up and cleared more than 800 prims. It also turned out that some oversexed noobs discovered the upper part of the Sunshine Realm as their own free sex place. Not that you should expect gratitude and maybe donations for that. But they should clean up. More than 30 poseballs were active, just left behind like used condoms after sex. Of course they caused some of the problems of the day before. We will exercise our house rules and block such persons in the future. This is also part of the work in the Sunshine Realm. We build new places, decorate our event venues and prepare events. But we also have to clean up, and unfortunately sometimes also exercise administrative rights.

Then the event could begin. Since DJ Alexa, who is just called YUI-Metal, had another event, Polpeta took over the first part of the party. She entertained us with good rock music. She had prepared well and already with the first beats there was a good atmosphere.

We spread out across the pond and started dancing. It was a really good atmosphere and more and more guests came quickly. From the experience it was to be recognized very early that something special would happen in the evening again. There were also some new guests and most of them joined our group, the Sunshine Cove Guests. So we reached the number of 816 members that evening.

As usual we had our contestboard filled with 1,000 L$ in splitmode. It quickly got fuller on the pond. We were really happy that the Sim had kept it that way. You could say that the ice was holding, although Polpeta was heating up the mood more and more and could melt ice with the music. So we all had a lot of fun, and even before halftime we increased the winning amount to 1,250 L$. That was once again a starting signal. Because quickly Travi sent a donation of 250 L$ for the contest. Travi and Skye are really dear guests and we are not only happy to welcome them regularly, they also make every effort to follow the theme of the event. So we were already minutes later at 1,500 L$.

And then it went on. We already had 50 guests when Phil sent us another 2,500L$ for the contest with the sentence "4000 seems like a good round number". And we increased the prize money, but at the same time we decided to let the contest run a bit longer. And the number of participants jumped over 60.

Who now thinks, that was it, was once again wrong. Sometimes it seems like madness, more guests came. But slowly you could also feel it at the lag. So many people in a Sim cause problems. But also the contest was not finished, we received an anonymous donation of 1,000 L$ with the question "Shall we make it 5K tonight?" Of course everyone was very happy, and once again we distributed such a large amount of Linden.

The contest board showed 10 filled pages with participants. But then we quickly closed the registration. Maybe we would have reached even more people. But there were already 68 people on the pond, and we don't often have so many participants in the contest. The board should be at the limit of what is possible. And a lot would now depend on the participants themselves. Would they vote sensibly, or would they do wild click series on the board?

Meanwhile Alexa had taken over the DJ stream. She had arrived after her event. I appealed again to the guests to be considerate, not to torture the board and to click on the board only once per cycle. Fortunately, most of them kept to it. Those who don't learn it, are ruthless, even amuse themselves with the request, are always the same. It also seems to be a cluster of alts. A constant problem in SL, where L$ are to be preserved, is also manipulated. We then ended the voting, at the end without warning, because due to the high load apparently double votes became possible. So in the end we had only 59 participants, but 66 votes. So we ended the contest without further ado.

Of course, there was also another after party. We had a lot of fun, laughed a lot and danced together. And again more naked skin was shown. Phil was not inferior to us in any way, and gave in the sexy thong a good figure. We also talked about the next event. And since Tuesday is National Corn Chip Day, and this a great day to enjoy a corn chip topped with salsa or a little cheese. And since DJ Yezika is a Latina, we quickly agreed that Tuesday is our Salsa Day.

Like usual are more photos of the event later in the Google Images Album.

And one last word. We were 16 people more than the night before, and the delay in the sim was only half as much. A good comparison, even though we had worried about the contest in between, the lag remained in the expected range. So it was worth it that we cleaned up before. And also at the end again the thanks to Certified Lunasea, the land manager of our landlord.

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