
Alien Attack

Alien Attack

Last Fight for Earth

It is the year 2145. We have changed our planet through warming and pollution. We have searched the universe for new resources. Each year we came deeper in the universe. And now it is certainty, we are not alone.  Aliens have reached our Earth and are preparing to invade it. 

The aliens have arrived at the Sunshine Realm. The last fight for Earth has begun around and in the warhouse. Will we be able to rescue our planet?

We started our first Sci Fi- Event 2019 with this invitation and were curious, how our friends and guests would following us in this theme. And we were once again positively surprised. Some came as aliens, others as space soldiers, Princess Leah was there, and Star Trek was there as well. It was again a colorful mixture, and in the end there were 30 guests in our Warehouse.

We started right at 4pm and DJ Valantine entertained us with an amazing set like usual. She spinned matching music for the event and time has passed very quickly again. 

Every inhabitant of SecondLife knows that Lag can be a problem there. We value the right atmosphere and invest in the festival places. There it can be difficult, and a new place is always exciting. Also many complex costumes can create lag. And especially the warehouse seems to be really enchanted, so the last event here has been cancelled. After the usual problems in the starting phase, when many guests come at the same time and "rezzen" together, things quickly normalized and the event went very well. 

Everyone knows that parties in the Sunshine Realm and contests belong together. So we had put 1,000 L$ into the jackpot again today and started a contest in split mode.  We had 26 participants, of whom 24 had voted in the end. The voting went this time also without delay. Maybe in the end there is hope that the usual suspects will finally learn not to torture the contestboard with salvos of mouse clicks.

After the official part of the event started our after-party. Like usual changed some the clothes or wear off some. It were erotical hours and Valantine continued her set about this. 

Maybe you will join us too soon. Here the landmark of the Sunshine Realm in the Grid. Maybe already tomorrow, when we will continue our Sci Fi series with the event "Alien Continuum".

You may find pictures about the preparation in this Google Images Album. Pictures of the event are in this Google Images Album.

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