
National Trivia Day

Trivia Day at Sunshine Realm

Today was once again the National Trivia Day in the USA. Reason enough for us to play this in SecondLife also very popular game about useful and useless knowledge with our guests in the Sunshiner's. Or as it is translated, about useful little things. And Trivia is played often in Pubs, some call it Pub Quiz. Of course we also danced again, and DJ Valantine entertained us with rocky sounds.

We started with the first round and the theme "Music of the 80s". Some guests took part and there were some funny answers. In the end it was a head-to-head race that Misty won.

It quickly got fuller at Sunshiner's. The 2nd round was about the popular TV series "Game of Thrones". We had a special week here last year, and many of us are actually fans of this series. Bad in this case, the questions and the long answers were to complicate, its seems we would lost our guests. And only some of them following in this round.

How can you catch the guests again? Actually it's always naughty, so we decided for a round with Naughty questions. We all laughed a lot, and certainly learned some of these useful little things.

The last round was a set with mixed question. In the end, we all agreed. We should play Trivia more often again. That's exactly what National Trivia Day did.

As usual there was again a contest with 1,000 L$ in split mode. Many took part, in the end we also had 45 guests in the Pub, 32 joined the Contest. All in all a successful evening, which we will remember with pleasure.

Some pictures can be found again in the Google Images Album.

And like usual we had a After-Party and the heat in the Pub increased. So some of us wear off her tops and some men had fun to watch us dancing.

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