
What means "Sunshine Realm"?, Part 4

What means "Sunshine Realm"?, Part 4

Pictures of the month May 

I had promised to continue writing soon and to show the many different facets of our "Sunshine Realm" with the pictures of one month at a time. After I have presented the months of March and April in the first two parts, it is now the turn of May. In the northern hemisphere spring is in full swing in May and we are looking forward to the upcoming summer. This is also reflected in the events. And of course, fewer visitors come during this time.

Nevertheless, this was also a very nice month with some new events. It is always important to respect and introduce different cultures and religions, but also the environment is an important topic. It's also nice that Misty and I think and feel very similar in many things. So the "Sunshine Realm" also reflects this. Everything is built on love.

Pictures of the month May

Construction Worker, 05/01/2021, Trailer Park

Save the Planet - Greenpeace day, 05/04/2021, Camp Sunshine

Cinco de Mayo, 05/07/2021, Sunshine Lagoon

Cinco de Mayo, 05/07/2021, Sunshine Lagoon

Cinco de Mayo, 05/07/2021, Sunshine Lagoon

Beach Bonfire Party, 05/14/2021, Sunshine Beach

Viva Las Vegas, 05/15/2021, Burlesque Palace

Festival De Cannes, 05/18/2021, Sunshine Garden

Amelia Earhart Day, 05/21/2021, Sunshine Air Field

Roman Mythology, 05/22/2021, Sunshine Pyramid

Launch to Skylab, 05/25/2021, Sunshine Skylab

Super Blood Moon, 05/28/2021, Realm od Shades

Climb the Summit, 05/29/2021, Mount Everest

List of Events in May

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