
Formal Dance 4/14/2018

Formal Dance Evening in the Sunshine Garden

We all love formal dance nights and wonderful gowns. And for sure men in tuxedos or suits.  It's the same for us girls of Sunshine Cove Family, too. A special place like the Sunshine Garden seems a good Place for such event. So we started to organize a formal dance night since easter time. We prepared the garden and spoke with the DJ and some of us looed for a new gown. From this moment we could only wait. Yesterday was the date for our formal evening in the sunshine garden. 

Welcoming the guests in the garden

We started the evening punctually at 2pm slt. DJ elsa was awesome like usual, She entertained us with soft love music during the 1st part of our event. And the garden quickly became busier and more colourful. Some girls in beautiful and sexy gowns, men in tuxedos and suits.  

Celi and Hugh dancing and enjoying the evening

Our gorgeous Celi danced kissing with Hugh while the sun set in the background. What would you more for a good event? We all had a lot fun. And a first contest for the best Ball Outfit with 500 Linden in the jackpot completed this part.

DJ Vanny starting her set

At 4pm contined DJ Vanny the event without a break and we were in the 2nd part of our formal dance event. Like usual came more people to the 2nd part, this time matching better for the most of our guests. So many wonderful gowns and nice suits in the garden. It was a dream. We had open a new contest for our guests with 1,000 Linden in the jackpot to split.

Sunshine Girls dancing in a Line

It was an amazing party here in the sunshine garden. The Sunset over the wall and the sky burned red. DJ vanny let us be happy and we had fun together. A lot friends joined us and couples danced together. 

Firework finished the Ball Evening

So we all danced together into spring. At the end we had a big fireworks display at the evening sky to end the evening. Thanks to everyone who danced with us. And congratulations to all the winners of the contests.

If you are curious to see more. Here are some additional impressions of this night in my Google Images Album. And we have weekly events, we trying to organize special events to escape the routine of weekly events.

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