
Launch CSC 4/07/2018

Launching at CSC, Crossing Sands Customs Bikes

Yesterday was a Launching- Party for 2 new bikes from the CSC Factory and Shop. I was really very happy that Little and Scub Mavendorf invited me to this event again. Some weeks before i visited a launch party before. And I was so curious, thus I planned the time to stop by. And the two had married shortly before, also in our virtual life a wonderful and dreamlike moment. My warmest congratulations to both of them.

I wish Little and Scub Mavendorf all the best for their journey together. Sadly this was also the last event before the summer break. They will certainly use the time to present some new ideas and bikes for us in autumn. After this creative time-out, new things will continue in September. Sometime we need such breaks.

Of course, an event always starts with thinking about what to wear. I chose the Tokyo Girl outfit from Erratic, the Ryleigh hoodie and a matching red plain pepper skirt. It's really sexy and along with overknee socks from Izzie Button and printed sneakers from GOS was this a young and cheeky outfit. Classic Sunglasses by [Ke.] Kelith Store completed my outfit. In addition some discreet peach lip gloss from Atelier Pepe,  and I was ready for the evening. Unfortunately, I could only go to the first part of the event, as I later had my own event with in my Sim. So i had to be there punctual at noon for this event.

The party took place again on the area in front of the mainstore of CSC - Crossing Sands Customs Bikes. For that have once again set up a large stage. On the left and right the two new bikes were presented, in the middle was a lot of space for the DJ's and singers. When I arrived there were already some people, it was really a mixed audience again. It is always exciting to be together with so many bikers, Its a honest crowd. I could almost smell the leather in my imagination. The event was well organized again, so there was a Fishbowl Raffle for group members. And the prices were impressive again, the 1st prize was one of the bikes, the 2nd prize was worth over 1000 L$ to redeem in the CSC shop and for the 3rd place there was still a 500 L$ voucher. The winners were chosen during each of the 3 live gigs.

When I arrived, DJ Moondog was taking over the DJ desk. I didn't know him before, he was there as a substitute for the regular DJ, she had to work in the RL. And I was surprised, it was fun to listen to him, and from the comments of the others I saw that he did not only inspire me. Maybe I'll see him somewhere else soon. The first hour passed very quickly.

Right on time at 1:00 pm Toxie came to the microphone. She has inspired me again totally with her funny kind and the beautiful voice. Honestly, some of the songs made me feel like I was peeing in my panties, it was so beautiful. Everyone else was thrilled as well. If you have the chance, you should definitely visit one of her gigs to experience it for yourself. It's nice that there are such good artists in SecondLife, and that this virtual world gives them the opportunity to reach people all over the world. Just before I had to leave, Erik Kottzen joined the event. Both sing together in a dual stream, and complement each other wonderfully. He is also one of the great singers in SecondLife.

Unfortunately I had to leave to take care of my own event. So I could not experience the following solo appearance of Erik. But I'm looking forward to autumn, so maybe you'll have a chance. I should mention perhaps that after Erik came back DJ Moondog and entertained the visitors for another hour.

I talked to Scub again today and was in the shop to take some more pictures of the new bikes. It was a very successful event for both of them. There were 60 people in the Sim, again members of the most important MC's in SecondLife. But also normal people like you and me. And they really were able to sell some new bikes. And let's be honest, that's what this event is all about. The two motorcycles are also really very good again. I was convinced of that again today, and then the good textures and the realistic script that also gives beginners a lot of riding fun, for sure the bikes of CSC are in the upper class in SecondLife. Here you should really try it, there is a big test track in front of the mainstore and it is fun to cruise there. Those who know me will also be able to guess my favorites, it is of course the Revolution. And again this time there is a smaller version for us women, thank you both for this special service. Its really so much more fun to drive a bike if it matching for our smaller avatars.

Here is some more information about the two new bikes. After all, it was the two bikes that were at the center of attention today. Generally is to say, that Crossing Sands Customs build up very realistic custom bikes for beginners and professional bikers. The scripts are modified by a professional RL biker. The bikes drives very smooth and every bike has its own individual driving characteristics. All products of CSC are low prim and low script. The bikes are built especially for racetracks and travels from SIM to SIM.

The Revolution

At first my favorite, the Revolution. This is the realistic SecondLife version of a known RL bike in a modern-classic style. This bike is perfect for ride outs and longer tours from sim to sim. There are some wonderful tracks in SecondLife for long rides.

Here some headword:

  • Colors: Black & Petrol 
  • 35 pe landimpact/62 prims
  • PG & Adultversion availabe
  • male and female version
  • Realistic driver and passenger animations
  • 7 couple animations
  • 9 driver animations

CSC said about the CSC Sex Machine that they only use high quality couple animations of real models. It will absolutely set the standard for adult entertainment in SL with a guarantee proven quality of the fine tuned real life Motion Capture animations. I will try it soon. Who want join me?

The Black Eight

The second new Bike is the Black Eight. That Bike is the perfect SecondLife rebuild of a classical bobber. It looks so cool and has a lot of nice details. The perfect bike for semi races and ride outs.

Some headword for this Bike too:
  • Colors: White & Red
  • 23 pe landimpact/39 prims
  • PG & Adultversion availabe
  • male and female version
  • Realistic driver and passenger animations
  • 7 couple animations
  • 9 driver animations

Check out this bikes and get on a demo ride on the race tracks in front of the Mainstore. I am sure, you will enjoy this. I did it.

Here are some more pictures in my Google Images Album.

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