
My thoughts about Serenity Lost

What about Serenity Lost? 

These questions are repeated often in the Group "Unsettling the Serene". And again and again the note of Trina in the group is pointed out. Wow, and that note is really clearly. For me was the day as Trina closed the Sim to the public, a bad day. SecondLife became a bit emptier. I've been looking through my photos, and I've found some memories.

Where I am here?  A wonderful dark sim. I did stumple in this sim wandering through secondlife and get lost. What happen next? 

What about Serenity Lost, why was it closed? These questions can only be answered by Trina. You can read the note in the group. But i  wants just to write my thoughts about it today. And also somehow say "thank you" for the services and did run this sim in the past. Anyone who has a sim knows these days where you could only puke, how naturally people take other people's work and how little they are willing to follow simple rules. Nobody thinks about the fact that the sim not only costs the fee, also the whole material must be bought, and it takes a lot of time to build everything up. And also the daily operation, the settlement of disputes, averting claims, just listening to how some complain, and some are really jealous and envious. Its a shame, which rights some users then think to have, or which claims they make. At some point I read how someone wrote "Serenity Lost" would only have been there for Trina to promote her stuff in Marketplace. And? Nobody had to go in the sim. And I'm grateful, and I use Trina's Stuff every day today in SL. I hope she will develope some new stuff in the future. Thank you for these ideas and the excellent implementation. I gave many the link to the marketplace, and so it is also linked here. And yes,  its "Something Different".

I read the discussions about the group fee, and how people got excited. How sick is that? It was worth every Linden, and we can be thankful for the many ideas of Trina selling themselves. And the rules were simple. Its need some rules but nobody should feel to restricted. Behave yourself, don't talk about politics and religion. Don't insult users. Shouldn't we pay attention to that in RL? The most of us are in SecondLife to escape RL, this OOC stuff can be terrible in a roleplay sim. And use the English language, it's binding on everyone. And it's about role-playing. And the group fee? it was a group fee, nobody acquired a share in the Sim, even if some supposed it.

And in the end, unfortunately, many men were also on the road who only wanted free pixelsex. This  isn't a special problem of "Serenity Lost", but i want write the criticism here. Maybe will some think about this. This men didn't want to do role-playing, and these idiots could take away any lust (sorry, I mean really only these special men). Some men in particular thought it would be fun for me if they used me almost without saying a word. There wasn't a story or idea. One said when I complained that he was finally using the animations, that I should entertain him now and write longer emotes. He really thought it was the women's job to write long and detailed emotes while he pressing some buttons in the menus of toys. Sorry, it's not public role-playing if you use the animations wordlessly, a sim lives on public entertainment. There are enough cheap freesex sims for pixel sex. 

But on the other side there were also some who wrote a book. At least it seemed like it. I waited an eternity. And when I wrote again in between, they explained to me inconveniently that I had to wait until he had written his text. "He loves me. He doesn't love me. He loves me. He doesn't love me. He loves me. He doesn't love me. ..." Oh, guys, really. Here, too, role-playing is something with passion, with feelings. If I have to wait 5 minutes, I'm cool again, my desire is simply gone. A role play is not a scientific dissertation, it is a firework of thoughts and feelings, spontaneous and passionate.

It's like real life, it depends on the right mix. It's like a guy who pushes in his cock for 10 minutes like a rabbit without adjusting angle deep  or rhythm, or paying attention to the feelings and lust of me. And at the end he asks, "How was I?" If you're in a public role-playing sim, do it too, or disappear into a free sex sim. Or pay an escort, hire she and she will emote while you're silent, and she will even end up telling you, "Wow, that was so awesome!" I would do it ;).

Another guy told me he couldn't speak English properly. Well, the group rules said you must speak English to participate. I couldn't use English before SecondLife either, but I learned. Each role play was also a challenge for me to translate and learn in parallel. And it was an incentive, sometimes I just listened enviously, wished that I could emote in English as well. I think many people feel the same way I do, and they understand me. Today I sometimes look for German words in a game. And thanks to the special Sim HUDs for hunters and prey you could at least do something against it. And there was always someone from the staff who could help. Also, writing IMs in Sims where public role-playing is a nuisance. What's so hard to do in the local? And this criticism applies to other role-playing sims too. Guys, just write in the local, and more than a "Fuck", "Ohhh", "Cum". 

A night in Serenity Lost can bring some surprise. from a place over the roofs you can look over the swamp.

I think "Serenity Lost" was the best role-playing Sim, with the best technique and an authentic and breathtaking athmosphere. It was a group of excellent role-players and it was not only fun, it was also a chance to learn. I owe much of my role-playing skills to this sim. And I met some of my friends there. From time to time there are questions about an alternative sim for this group. You shouldn't seriously ask them in the chat to this group. And honestly, I haven't found anything near the quality yet. Here i could forget the reality sometime complete, i felt the chill running over my back and could smell the scent of the swamp.

The swamp with the hidden huts and ways through, the church with the cemetery, the asylum, the many underground tunnels and catacombs, the bar and the shops and the old warehouse, there were so many possibilities for interesting roleplays. It took me a few days just to explore the Sim, and even after a few weeks I still discovered something new.

I got lost a few times. Sure, blonde and woman. But it took me a few hours to find the way to the exits. You couldn't use TPs, one of the best ideas of the sim. So I tried again and again to find the exits, looking for landmarks for this. Going to church. When you stand in front of it go to the right, behind the wall it goes slightly downhill, here turn half left. Than only straight ahead. There was one of the exits. The church was easy to find.

The Sim is still be there. And the hope will die at last. I think you could read it from the text. I am grateful to found this Sim and to be a part of this. Thanks to Trina and the people of the staff who supported her. I hope so much that Trina will open it again sometime. Perhaps there are some who would like to support her. I am looking forward to this day in the not so distant future.

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