
Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

By becoming a citizen of SecondLife, my world has opened so much wider. I see a lot differently today than I did 3 years ago. And I could meet many new friends from all over the world. So today also some people from the USA and Canada belong to my very good friends. And Misty, my Partner here in the Sunshine Realm is from USA too. So you learn a lot about these countries, which we just live in one world and a lot of things are very similar. But also that some things are different. That already starts with the time difference. So if you are on the road with an open eye and heart, you can also get to know a lot about traditions and customs. 

So today I would like to wish all my friends from the USA a happy Thanksgiving. I hope you can rest and spend this day with your friends and families. My thoughts are with you today. And of course I wish all people in North America Happy Thanksgiving. All the best for you and your families.

But I would also like to say thank you for all the help I got in SecondLife, which extends far beyond the borders of this virtual world. For your understanding. And for being friends, laughing together, helping each other and experiencing so much together. 

The Sunshine Realm will be closed today, like every Thursday. So we will have a late Thanksgiving party on Friday. It starts at 4pm, DJ Valantine will entertain us. And we will again have at least 1,000 L$ in a contest (in split mode). So come over and celebrate a "late Thanksgiving evening" with us at the Sunshine Realm

Pictures from the preparation here in this Goggle Images Album.

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