
Rockin the Blizzard

Rockin the Blizzard

The winter season continues!

We start our events every week on Tuesday, after a rest day on Monday. Now we are in Thanksgiving week, the preparations are running. So we thought about how to open this week, a "Coming home" party in the snow, or something else. In any case, we wanted to go back to the Winterland to have the opportunity to prepare the "Trails End Music Hall" for the big Sunshine Family Thanksgiving Party.

So we prepared the Winterland to start our event punctually at 5pm. Since many in the USA are on their way home to spend the holiday with their loved ones, some may have to struggle with the first winter storms, we called it "Rockin the Blizzard". Of course we wish all our American friends a good and safe return home, and then a wonderful holiday on Thursday.

DJ Yezika brought Vanny as host today. Both entertained us very well. We all had a lot of fun, and as expected it was a bit emptier today. The event during the week is usually not so well attended, and many of our visitors come from the USA, so of course the preparations for the Thanksgiving Party are in full swing. Nevertheless we were at the end about 30 people on the icy pond and had a lot of fun thanks to Vanny and Yezika.

This time there was only 1,000 L$ in the contest, we had 20 votes at the end. Of course everything worked out again, because there were less participants and votes, even without any problems. Yezika went back into after-time.

Of course there are also pictures of this event in a Google Image Album. And we would be happy if you drop by, here is Landmarke from the Sunshine Realm in the Grid.

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