
15 years SecondLife

SecondLife's 15th Anniversary at Sunshine Realm

We look back to the 6/24/2003. The Linden Company started a new Project with the name "SecondLife" and gave millions people the chance to meet others without fear and borders. Yes, its really true! Tomorrow is the 15th anniversary of SecondLife. A reason for us to have a wonderful party tonight. Than, this SecondLife is our virtual home!!!

Sunshine Cove Beach Club decorated for the 15years Anniversary

Which place in the Sunshine Realm could be better as the revived Sunshine Cove Beach Club, where we celebrated glittering parties in last year? We started the work on the decoration, and again was it Bic, who created an awesome and unique banner for our event. 

Bic's 15 Years! Banner

An Anniversary is like a birthday. So we planned it as birthday party. 

Dancefloor with confetti at the Sunshine Cove

We started the event right at 4pm with DJ Elsa. She entertained us with music from the last 15 years and struck the theme very good with this. The first guest were on time and we danced together. This evening we could welcome 40 guests at the Sunshine Realm and all had fun together.

Fireworks about the Sunsine Cove Beach Club

At the end we had fireworks in the night sky above our club. It was a wonderful evening. Thanks Linden for opening and running SecondLife and gave us our home, than all of us wuwould be strangers without this. And its a miracle, but for some of us is this world of dreams and fantasies very real.

We usual you will find a lot more pictures in my Google Images Album. 

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