
Opening Summerland

Opening Summerland with the Soccer Field

This weekend we did open the new Sunshine Summerland as part of our Sunshine Realm. Just in time for the opening of the Soccer World Cup at 6/14/2018 we were on a new festival ground this weekend, a soccer field with goals, bleachers, advertising panels and lights. I wrote a blogpost about the preparations

We started the 1st event at friday 6/15/2018 at 4pm and had a great time together with our friends and guests. DJ Valantine entertained us with an amazing set of good music for this special festival place.

Sunshine Girls at the Soccer field

It's always exciting. After we have built a new venue and are waiting for the guests. Will our friends enjoy it as much as we do? But the people game fast and some told us, that they would love the new place. Its wonderful to become a positive response.

View over the Soccer field from the landing docks

It was another successful event. The place was good filled with people and a lot came with soccer clothes. We could laught a lot and with 40 guests it was a good event for a friday evening in the time of the soccer championships,

Topless at the hot after-party

We all had a lot of fun and at the after-party it got really hot again. Fast we danced topless. You will find more pictures about this event at friday in this google image album.

The 2nd party started a day later at 6/16/2018 at 4pm slt again. After a preheating in the ROOM Club we moved to the Sunshine Realm and celebrate a party with our friends. We started right at 4pm with DJ Alexa. You don't know Alexa? She changed her name, she is maybe known as DJ Elsa ;).

Dancing in Soccer Clothes at the field

Again not only the Sunshine Girls came with matching clothes. Most guests followed the theme and worn soccer clothes or fan clothes and showed national colours. It was an amazing day again, and we were 45 people at the festival place.

Party Crowd at the Field

It was a funny weekend with some wonderful events in the Sunshine Realm. We have a google images album about the saturday event too. Now we look forward for the next days.

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