
Nylonia Kinkster @ Black Pearl

Nylonia Kinkster @ Black Pearl 

I heard about the playback band "Nylonia Kinkster" and that they are giving a Metallica concert today in the German club "Black Pearl". So far Black Pearl was for me a beach where people also have fun as adults, it is not really prude there. But it was less of a place for concerts or a club. So I was really curious to drop by. On the one hand to see this other side of the "Black Pearl", on the other hand I was of course also very curious about the "Nylonia Kinkster". 

Nylonia Kinkster at Stage in the Black Pearl

Now I am admittedly not very often in German Sims, mostly this latent aggressiveness against other languages and unfortunately also often against people who do not speak German disturbs me. And I had also really trouble with a larger German landlord, and because I do not hold my opinion just behind the mountain, I was banished nearly half a year in all Sims rented from this offerer. And self if the Black Pearl is not rented there, i saw one of the Agents there at first.

Lost in Thoughts

I came to SecondLife to use and learn English. For me SecondLife is a wonderful place where fantasies and dreams can come true, but above all an international place without borders and prejudices. I have fantastic friends from many parts of the world where we all have to live and solve problems together. Whether "America first" or "Germany the German", I think it sucks. But the Black Pearl is different, maybe it's because of the rather revealing background I've connected to this sim so far. 

Rocking in front of the Stage

I enjoyed 2 entertaining hours of beautiful music, and even though it was playback, it was interesting to see what the avatars can do on stage to be as similar as possible to the original. I smiled a few times, and now I'm a fan of the drummer. Wonderful job, you're stunning. But the others were good too, and you have to like Metallica for sure. But also in our clubs Metallica belongs to the often played bands and rock and metal are topics we like. This is also what happens when "Whisky in the Jar" is played here.

Drummer of Nylonia Kinkster at work

The first time I stayed in the background a little bit. Yeah, I'm shy, and I'm going to look around new places. Then I changed my clothes, and as befits a hardcore fan, I went to the stage bars and danced to the music in the first row.

Whisky in the Jar .. Metal in SecondLife

So it was a beautiful evening. Unfortunately I had to leave earlier because in a Club of the Sunshine Family was an event with DJ Nathalie and Lecan, but the time has passed quickly, and I will certainly visit again in concert of "Nylonia Kinkster". It's worth it. And thanks to Nathalie, who then also played some Metal music for us, so that the break-off wasn't so difficult. So the "French Touch" almost became a metal evening.

Like usual you will find some more pictures in my Google Images Album.


  1. Hello Angelika :)

    I am Mizuki, leader of the Nylonia Kinksters, in the name of our Band i like to say: Thank you for this very lovely review and we are glad you liked it.

    Hope to see you soon again on stage :)

    Mizuki <3

    1. Hello Mizuki,
      if i can find time i will see you at stage again ;)

      Yours Angy
