
Calas PROM Ball

Calas Skate-o-rama PROM Ball

Today was a special day. I've been out of school for a few years now, but I had my first PROM ball today. And it's really hard to explain what thoughts I had and what feelings overpowered me. But I'll start again. When I received the invitation to Cala's Skate-o-rama PROM Ball via the CALAS GALADHON ANNOUNCEMENT GROUP, I didn't even know what a PROM BALL was. Well, that can come across wrong now, of course I had seen PROM Balls on TV and in the cinema, but in the German translation as "High School Abschlußfeier". PROM Ball was more like a celebrity gala ball to me. 

It was also the wrong time for me in Germany, 7:00 pm in SecondLife is 4:00 am for me, so a time where most people are already sleeping here. Now it was really very very hot that night, I could not sleep and was restless. So I decided at short notice to go to the event. So I googled and first understood what it was all about. And I didn't even have 15 minutes to prepare.

Ready for my first PROM Ball

Immediately my feelings went crazy, did I have a dress? Am I even supposed to go there? Wouldn't that be corny? The whole thing should start in a few minutes. Now I may have to explain once again. We also know proms, but at least in TV series it seems to be very different in the USA. Here in Germany we are perhaps quieter, not so colourful and not so shrill. We don't have these sports teams either, and that kind of cheerleading is being smiled at here. On the other hand, we are sexually educated perhaps a little more openly that we could collect many experiences already before the final ball. But even if it is perhaps the social consensual in Europe, which girl does not dream of the special first date, not of beautiful clothes, to be carried by a dream man on hands? And also here in Europe with school ends a special and beautiful period in our lives and many go different ways. Most of the time we just don't know that at the moment. Europe and the USA are not so different, we all live in the same world. And parties in Calas are always something special.

Calas' skate-o-rama in colorful lights and decorations

And those feelings came to me. Unfortunately there was no time to go shopping, but luckily I have some nice clothes in the wardrobe, hmm inventory. I remembered a very nice formal night in Black and White that we had last year in the garden above Sunshine Cove Beach Club, and I was looking for the dress. Find a matching hairstyle, a clutch and off we go. 

At the entrance to the skate-o-rama there was a bouquet of flowers for the wrist, and at the latest when I took that, my fantasies finally went crazy. Shouldn't it be the prince charming, our date bringing it to us? 

Dancing at the PROM Ball

All Calas worlds have one thing in common, they are built with attention to detail and really take you into this virtual world. Ty Tenk & Truck Meredith are really something very special. So my real life ended at the entrance, and I entered the decorated interior. I really had arrived at my first prom ball. I stood on the dance floor in a gorgeous gown, danced and listened to the singer DJembeo Dragonfire.

DJembeo Dragonfire at Stage

The singer was really good, it's worth looking for him to see if you can find other gigs. He had chosen the songs inspired by the prom for this evening. It was a beautiful performance that rounded it off. And in the end he gave encores and sang about time. Thanks for a great evening.

At the Dance Floor

Now the girl's dream has certainly not come true. I didn't wait weeks before who would invite me. Didn't hope it was the boy I fell in love with. I wasn't whispering with my friends, and I wasn't out with my best friend or my father to pick out the gown. And there was no prince dreaming at my door to pick me up. And my first sex was a long time ago. Was also far before a possible prom on a small jetty in the reeds. All this would certainly have been reason enough to be sad that night. I also realized that social norms stand in the way of some dreams. That in the end we are the princess who wants to be rescued by the prince on a white horse. I suddenly felt that I missed something in my life that no one can give me back. And only because we are different here in Europe. And, I love cheerleader movies, don't think they're cheesy at all.

In the end it was a wonderful evening that took me to an unknown world. My feelings went roller coaster and I couldn't sleep even after that and lay awake for a long time. Thanks Ty and Truck for taking me on this journey into a world I never knew before. You really manage to touch the fantasies and emotions. And I'll be more concerned that my little ones can live their girl dreams no matter what others say. They're hers. And maybe I'll be happy to be invited to a reunion, too. So SecondLife can also change our real life.

Ty Tenk & Truck Meredith

Like usual you will find more pictures in my Google Images Album.


  1. We are so very glad you enjoyed the Calas Prom Night at the Skate O Rama! Thank you for the lovely blog post and for sharing your experience. Ty and Truck truly are sui generis!

    Kerena Zhangson
    Calas Loon

  2. That is such a beautiful place. I love wandering thru it. :)
