
Fanta4 tribute

"Fantatischen Vier" tribute Concert

A few days ago a friend sent me an invitation to a tribute concert, this time it was the LIGHTHAMMER Tribute Band, and it was about a performance og German-speaking band "Die Fanatischen Vier", called Fanta4 by most only briefly. 

Ready for Concert at a BDSM meeting point

The concert should take place in "The Forest Mansion", as you would expect from the German-speaking band, this is another German Sim in SecondLife. The suffix "BDSM Treffpunkt deutsch" (BDSM meeting point german) gives you some idea more. And the invitation said that the concert will take place in a courtyard and the band will make the old walls tremble.   

Lighthammer with Fanta4 tribute on stage 

I was just thinking, it's not really the music I really like listening to. Well, some of the titles aren't so bad. But then curiosity finally won, of course also for the Sim, and I picked out a tight jeans and a tight half wet top, both black, and went to the concert. Maybe this would fit to a BDSM meeting place, because I just wanted to attend the concert and not get into games.

view about stage to dance floor

Since I write this blog in English, and consciously stay in SecondLife, I have here many friends from all regions of the world, many may not know Fanta4 band, so here I copy the text from the invitation and translate it.

"The cult band around Smudo, Thomas D, Dee Jot Hausmarke und Ypsilon originated in the second half of the 80s and made the music world listen up with their German rap or, as they called it, "German sprechgesang" (rap).

watching people from the background

The Sim and the event place with a dance floor and some animations are beautifully designed. The stage with the light was also very impressive. I sought a place in the background like mostly to wach around and get an overview. And as at other tribute concerts the animations were impressive, and how close some avatars are to the original. I really sometimes thought that Fanta4 were on stage. I had to smile a few times. And its didn't needed long to seek a place at the dance floor and rocking with the others to the music. So it was a successful evening in the end.

Dancing at the Dance Floor

Some more pictures like usual in my Google Images.

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