
Garden Party with Friends

Garden party with friends

After our events in the summerland around the soccer field for the World Cup, the reopening of the Sunshine Cove Beach Club, the street festival for PRIDE Days and the Beachparty for 15th anniversary of SecondLife, the street festivals for holidays in the USA on July 4th and France on July 14th and later the parties at tennis court after the Wimbledon weekend, it was time for us to return to the Sunshine Garden. We prepared everything and planned a garden party with friends on July 28th. It was just time for us to take a breath. Of course we are also planning special events around our summer land in August and have some surprises in preparation.

Hot Garden Party at Sunshine Garden

On July 28th at 4:00 pm it happened. DJ Alexa Bliss started the stream with fresh Latino music, perfect for a hot summer evening with friends. Of course we were very curious again. It's summer in the northern hemisphere, holiday season in most countries, and that often makes it emptier in SecondLife. Many Sims close just in this time. Would we have enough guests?  How would the mood be? Is the topic accepted by the group?

But our worries were exaggerated. It quickly became fuller. We actually reached 54 visitors at the top, over the 2 hours there were more than 65 guests at the party. So there were 8 pages in the contest, so we raised the jackpot to 1,250 L$.

Dancing at Sunshine Garden

Of course we were afraid after the difficulties of the last weeks. Would the vote work smoothly? We rarely have so many participants on the board, and many guests also quickly cause lag. So we started the voting earlier, and everything worked wonderfully. In the end we had 44 votes.

Contest finished and all worked, yeah

After Alexa left at 6 pm, Polpeta took over the stream for one hour and entertained our after party with more rocking music. It was a great event and we were happy.

As usual you can find more pictures in my Google Images album. And if you feel like it, and you are like us inhabitants in SecondLife, just come by and visit us in the Sunshine Realm.

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