
La fête Nationale

La fête Nationale at Sunshine Realm

We have regular theme parties, and some of us come from France. So it was obvious that we prepared a party for our French friends for the "La fête Nationale" on the 7/14/2018. Therefore we went to the new site of the Sunshine Realm and chose the street and the place in front of our Sunshiner's Pub like before for the Independence Day and the PRIDE Days as Place for a street festival. We have renamed street and place quickly to "Avenue des Champs Élysées" and "Place Charles de Gaulle", and have set up a stage again. It was a lot of fun to decorate and prepare everything colorful again.

Decorated Stage Truck at the Place in front of the Sunshiner's Pub 

Bic has prepared great banners again, we still had some stuff from last year. With this we have once again created a unique place here in SecondLife. And of course there were also a big colourful fireworks display. To have a little more time to celebrate, especially for all of us who come from Europe and sometimes suffer from the late events here at the Sunshine Realm, we brought the "Girl School of Rock" from the Room Club for once into the Sunshine Realm. So we were able to organize a second contest on this special day.

View along the street in french colors

So we started with DJ Vanny at 2pm slt. Like usual was the first part more empty, but we had 25 peoples there. Vanny played fresh rocking music and entertained us well.

Sadly had DJ Alexa Bliss problems with the computer, we were happy that Polpeta helped out and took the stream at 4pm for the second part. She played a mix of rock and french music, and we all hat a lot fun with this. 

DJ Polpeta on fire in front of the stage truck

Unfortunately, Valantine was unable to attend due to her move. Of course we were sad that Valantine, as part of our Sunshine Family could not participate, than she is from France. But we were sure that she was fine and that she had her fun in RL.

Dancing at the street

Unfortunately, not everything went so smoothly this time. Although we have a lot of experience with events. On the one hand, we built and decorated everything ourselves on Saturday, so that the Sim was not restarted in between. This can always cause lag, so we didn't even realize that there is another cause for the lag. Unfortunately, there are also sick people in SecondLife who have fun hindering and disturbing others. So a "Ken" haunted both parcels and distributed objects with the purpose of reducing the performance. It is always hard for me to understand what goes on in such sick brains and what their goals are.

Firework with the Arc de triomphe in background

Unfortunately, some of the otherwise passive participants are also very active and did excruciating the contest board, in which they do not even press one time, but nervously like a guinea pig in a fast rhythm. So we isolated the board behind an invisible wall, so that these participants only tortured the wall and the board could work off the tons of clicks slowly. Than we reset everything. In the second attempt, after appealing to the people not to exaggerate again with mouse clicks, we got through the contest then in a quick run.

So this evening will certainly remain in our memories. But in spite of everything we had a lot of fun preparing and holding this party. It's nice that borders don't play a role here in Second Life, and we come from all corners of the world. And so we can experience various national holidays and even learn a little about the countries. We just need to keep our eyes open and approach others without prejudice. Not "Germany the German" or "America First" or a "Brexit". No, all together are in one world. In SecondLife this has already begun

After Party 

As usual you will find more pictures of this event in my Google Image Album. And, if you are also a resident of SecondLife, maybe we can welcome you soon in the Sunshine Realm. It is open to all.

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