
I have a dream

Today is a holiday in the USA. It is not one of the big ones and many may not even notice it. But, It's a special day and it should be celebrated all over the world. The Americans celebrate today the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. on 01/15. 

I started this blog to write about SecondLife. But his dreams have changed the world. So it is also worthwhile to write today about this and remember him. I'll write this contribution today, as racism, xenophobia and nationalism are returning all over the world at the time. It doesn't matter whether Trump or Putin, the German AFD or Le Pen in France, or the Brexit in Great Britain. They all stir up fears, incite us, and isolate people. How can a healthy person rush so contemptuously over "dirty-hole states" and create the impression that every people of another race or citizen from another state could be to blame for the misery in their own country? And what is going on in the heads of the extreme terrorists that they lay bombs, drive into peaceful people with cars or enslave and rape women? That they think God might want that. 

One of the most important quotes from King is surely his dream: "I still have a dream, a dream deeply rooted in the American dream - one day this nation will rise up and live up to its creed,"We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal.". I have a dream..." For the sake of topicality, I would like to quote another one of him: "If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward."  Please, don't look back. The time moving only forward, nobody can bring "good old times" back and we live all together in one world. We can solve our problems only together.

And all human beings should have the same rights, no matter which race they belong to, whether women or men and no matter what sexual orientation.

Today we have a rest day in the Sunshine Cove Group clubs. We will dedicate tomorrow's event to this holiday and celebrate it together. SecondLife is one world, where the most of us live together, without racism, without prejudge. Its a place of freedom. 

Keep the dream alive, don't stop to move forward!


  1. Words spoken from the heart :) x “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”
    – Martin Luther King, Jr.

  2. He was a great man tragically taken far too soon. :(

  3. Well written I share your dream and Martin Luther King's dream.
    I wish we could all just get along and forget what sets us apart but look for brings us together.

  4. The worldwide struggle for human rights continues, the dream still alive, my hat is off to you Angelika for such a marvelous and heartfelt post. Awesome!!

  5. one of Best leaders in History!

    Thanks angy for your writting! keep it up
