
Arabian Night's 1

Our first Arabian Night

Now it was quiet here for a few days and I didn't write a new blog post. During this time I was very busy to assembling the Harem of the Sunshine Group in my Sim. It was an interesting time with some very good conversations, visits to other beautiful Sims and the search for suitable background music for the time when there is no DJ here. After all, the Sim should enchant the senses for a whole week. Yesterday we opened the Harem and with a traffic of 2000 without advertising it was a really good start, many friends came and spent relaxing time here. Now we looking forward for this week.

Today we had the first official event here, for which we had invited our friends and members of the Sunshine Cove Group. We hoped that many guests would come and we would pack up the Sim again. I don't think there wouldn't be that many during the week. We were curious about many matching costumes. We closed the pool for the party with a cover of glass and waited for the first guests. We started on time at 5:00 pm with our amazing DJ Yezika and her cute red-haired host Ruby. In keeping with the theme Ruby came as a slave and was chained to the slave post. Like usual made both a great show and entertained us very well. Thanks for this awesome set again for both.

And not enough that Ruby was chained about the event, finally she was in the Cage. A beautiful bird in the bird cage (this Photo is took from Ruby self and sent to me).

And like usual are not only our Sunshine Girls to share, we had a contest with 1,000 Linden to split too. We hope that this evening / night was an unforgettable experience for our friends and guests.

In the end we were 35 people together and we had a lot of fun. Many came in matching costumes and 21 took part in the competition. 

You will find the Harem at this Landmark in SecondLife. For more pictures you should look in my Google Images Album with a lot beautiful shots for this event.  If you curious now, we will have events at friday (4-6pm slt) and saturday (2-6pm slt) in the Harem again.

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