
Tailgating Super Bowl 2018

Tailgating Super Bowl 2018 at ROOM Club

Super Bowl 2018, the most important sporting event for our American friends and the most popular individual sporting event in the world. The Americans celebrate their BBQ from the trunk of the cars before the game, the tailgating. On this day a lot of food and drinks are consumed. Only Thanksgiving surpasses this. American football, as we call it, is also enjoying increasing popularity in Europe.

Normally we would have a Classic Rock Night at the ROOM Club. A live performance was also planned. But it seemed to make sense to pick up at least the football theme when organizing an event that day. We thought it could be very empty in SecondLife yesterday as we were planning our own tailgating party. Valantine set up a video screen and chairs, some of us brought food and drinks and we talked about football. The weekly set of DJ Candy happened, of course, when we met on the meadow in front of the club.

Lava showed the colours of her favourite team, matching the amber eyes. She built a little Cincinnati Bengal stage and danced there. My favorite were the New England Patriots, especially the quarterback Tom Brady. On the video wall we could all follow the game and were not the dogged fans, we laughed a lot together. 

My favorite were the New England Patriots, especially the quarterback Tom Brady. On the video wall we could all follow the game and were not the dogged fans, we laughed a lot together.

And of course we danced a lot and got pom-poms and were the cheerleaders. So nobody was angry at the end when the Philadelphia Eagles won as a better team at the end of a good and exciting game.

Even after the game we stayed together a bit and danced. 

If you are curious, look in my Google Images Album to see more.

1 comment:

  1. Was an amazingly fun night and a wonderful event. I laughed, I cried, I danced, I had fun being with all of you. It was a good way to spend the last night of American football for this season and it makes me so happy to be with all of you that night. Hugs :)
