
1st Mystical Creature Party

First Mystical Creature Event in Sunshine Garden

On Saturday we had our first Mystical Creature Party in the new Sunshine Garden. With this event we wanted to establish a connection between the cultures and celebrate the spring and a new beginning at Easter. Therefore we have designed the beautiful Sunshine Garden, which is not only exotic and colorful, there are also many beautiful and hidden corners. Some nice toys invited you to spend time with friends and have fun. And yes, the land is adult. Recently I introduced the garden to a blog post and announced the event in another.

Punctually at 2:00 pm we started with the party. As usual the first part was quieter, but in the end we had more than 20 guests and many have come in beautiful costumes also. Most of them took part in the small contest with 500 Linden to split. DJ Elsa needed some time to meet people's tastes, but after a few minutes she played fresh music in anticipation of spring. And that's what we wanted to celebrate that day. Many went in search of the Easter eggs which Valantine had hidden for everyone. There were 10 eggs with small gifts hidden in the Garden.

At 4:00 pm there was the change to DJ Vanny. She entertained us with more rocking music and we started a new contest. This time there were 1000 Linden in the jackpot in split mode. It got fuller fast in the rondel. In the light of the lanterns around, under the mystical light with fairy dust and fireflies all had fun and laughed a lot. Unfortunately some of our friends couldn't come due to family celebrations or obligations in RL. Certainly couldn't come some of our regulars either. But in the end we had 40 visitors.

Now it was some work to build this garden, and prepare costumes. Therefore we have decided to repeat the event next Saturday (4/07/2018). So, after the party is before the party. Next Saturday the mythical creatures will be back in the Sunshine Garden. You missed it, and you're curious? Then you have another chance. We'd be really happy to see you.

And because the garden offers a dreamlike atmosphere for various events, we have already planned the next event. We all love formal dance balls, and this garden is just the place for such an event. Therefore we will organize a formal dance ball in our Sunshine Garden on 4/14/2018. So look for your most beautiful ball gown, or clean and iron your tuxedo, because on 4/14, it will be formally in the garden. Its seems, some of us trained at the event for this. There are a lot amazing dance animations in the INTAN Balls, for couples as well as male or female alone.

You are curios. You can visit our events in SecondLife. You will find more pictures of this event in my Google Images Album. I hope you have fun looking this picture.

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