
Sunshine Garage, renaming party

Renaming Party, The Sunshine Garage

Changes throwing their shadows ahead. A few days ago we had opened the Sunshine Pub, and actually only wanted to celebrate Saint Patrick there. We used the set we had built for Mardi Gras and the street carnival, our own "French Quarter". But we liked this pub so much that we decided to keep the set. Instead, we have a second venue beside the garage.

Now comes the original name of the garage from one of our Halloween events 2017, and the land is part of the Sunshine Cove Family. Our harem was already the "Sunshine Harem" and the new Pup is the "Sunshine Pub". Now we have also renamed the land, and the garage is no longer enchanted after the last modernisation. The new name is "The Sunshine Garage". And of course we celebrated this again with a big event. We were curious how many people would follow our invitation.

Most Saturdays we started punctually at 2pm with DJ Elsa. She entertained us with fresh rockabilly music in the style of a SockHop party. Thanks to an anonymous donation we could raise the jackpot of contest to 750 Linden, and already in the first part of our event we had more than 20 visitors. We had some fun together with our guests and the music, of DJ Elsa. And the time passed again much too fast.

We went to the 2nd part without interruption. Our amazing DJ Vanny took over the DJ Desk and played honest rock music for us. Thanks to two donors we started the contest already with a jackpot of 1500 Linden and the club quickly became fuller. 

Soon there were more than 50 guests in the pub, in the end there were 58 visitors at the event. Once again we set a record for ourselves, it almost reminded of the old times in the Cream Dance Club or the Trails End Music Hall. Thanks to donations we have raised the jackpot of the contest to 2000 Linden. In the end 47 of the guests were also in the contest. 

We were very happy how disciplined the guests were, so there were no problems during the event, and the voting also worked as well as possible. Of course there were some lag, and although we had reset the contestboard between the two events, there were some delays in the vote. Of the 47 participants voted 46 at the end. One of the participants get lost during the voting and couldn't wait until the end of the event and voting.

But also in the garage there are some smaller changes. We have used the time and modernised. There is now a corner with vending machines for hot and cold drinks, snacks and even fresh milk. You can take a break and relax for a few minutes without the bar being open for events. Enjoy the spacial vibe of this underground parking lot. There is also a teleporter that takes you from the ground directly to the garage. Just look out for the manhole cover and give it a try.

You are curious to see more. Visit our clubs and join one of our contests. You can't wait? Here is my Google Images Album with pictures from the renaming party.

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