
Green Beer Party

Green Beer Party at Sunshine Pub

Today we  had our St. Patrick Party here in our Sunshine Cove Family. Its the St. Patrick Day, and like good irish people and fans of this, kisses were freeeeeeee in this amazing night. And we had have our long night here together with our friends and guests. And of sure, the green beer were free. So we called it "Green beer party". 

Like each saturday we had 2 parts. In the first of our St. Paty evening entertained us DJ Elsa between 2pm and 4pm. She played wonderful fresh irish music and brought us in the right mood for a wonderful Saint Patrick. Like usual was the first part more calm, the most of our guests are from the USA and South America, so its afternoon there. But some guests followed our invitation, and Elsa was amazing like anytime. We had a small contest for the best St. Patrick Clothes with 500 Linden.

At the end of the first part we had 25 guests in the Pub. This isn't so bad for the first part. So it was a good warmup for the second part.

At 4pm took Vanny the DJ Stream and she was amazing like usual too. She started with more rocking music, but over the time she played a colored mix of good music. And how we expected came our guests and friends and the sunshine pub was filled with a lot green people. We started the contest for the best St. Patrick Clothes with 1,000.00 Linden to split.

After one hour were the room well filled with amazing dressed people, and a donor gave the money to increase the jackpot to 1,250.00 Linden. We promised to increasing the jackpod again, if enough people would joining our party. But only 15 minutes later came an other donor and gave 250.00 Linden for the pot. So we could increase the jackpot to 1.500,00 Linden and extended the time for the contest at 6:30pm. We messaged the group about this, and gave the guests the chance to invite friends, to be part of this amazing party and to join the contest. 

But this wasn't the end. With this donations we started a process. Some minutes later came the next donor for the contest. It was really totally crazy. Its don't happen often that we have such a jackpot in the contest, maybe it was the green beer and the amazing music of Vanny. We increased the jackpot to 1,750.00 Linden. Wow, it was so awesome. Everyone could sweeping his friendlist and could putting it at the head and to shaking it. It was the totally madness. We were at 1,750.00 Linden and the vibe in the Pub was amazing.And we got some new guests and with this some new members in the Sunshine Rocker Group.

The Sunshine Girls wer motivated and enthusiastic too, so it came that some of us danced topless at this evening. But this madness didn't stopped with. It's was like a rat race. Only 10 minutes later came the new message for the guests. The last donor increased the jackpot again, and we scored the 2,000.00 Linden. It was so stunning. This was the party night, we doubled the jackpot in some more as 30 minutes. This was a signal, and some more guests joined the party. At the end we had 45 guests, about the time were more as 60 persons in the Pub. And a lot of this joined the contest, the most came with amazing St. Paty Clothes.

Are you curious to to see more? In my Google Image Album you will find more. And maybe you are guest at one of our events in SecondLife in the next days. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG SOOOOO FUN!!!! lol :o) Loved the party, was so good to see so many people. :o) .... and most everyone in green. LOL St. Pat would have been proud. :D
