
Celebration of Spring

Celebration of Spring

Like every year, we're planning special events for Easter time. Now are our friends not only from all parts of the world, some are christian and other jewish. some are muslim and other atheistical. We are a varicolored crowd. So we tried to go back to the orgin of this holiday for a shareable event, because this rite is much older. People of all times and cultures have welcomed spring with joy. It is the time when nature awakens and we look forward. We built for this event a new place in SecondLife, our Garden about the Sunshine Garage with lovely edges and a lot colored flowers. Let us take a first view at this place and the upcoming event, a festival of life, our "Celebration of Spring".

I will quote the translation of a very famous german poem which each of us learned in the school in Germany. Its the "Easter walk" from Goethe, part of his "Faust". God thanks i found a translation in english for this from Edgar Alfred Bowring. In english translated as "Outside of the Gate".

From the ice they are freed, the stream and brook,
by the Spring's enlivening, lovely look;
the valley's green with joys of hope;
the Winter old and weak ascends back
to the rugged mountain slope.

From there, as he flees, he downward sends
an impotent shower of icy hail
streaking over the verdant vale.
Ah! but the sun will suffer no white,
growth and formation stir everywhere,
twould fain with colours make all things bright,
though in the landscape are no blossoms fair.
Instead it takes gay-decked humanity.

I will not quote the whole poem, but I think it is a good way to describe the atmosphere of this festival. We will open our garden on 3/31 and start our "Celebration of Spring" at 2pm. We begin with our amazing DJ Elsa and a warm-up Party. Come to us, we look forward to meet you there. Celebrate the Spring with us. In the first part we will do a contest with 500 Linden to split. And nobody should stay alone, invite your friends, let us packing this Garden.

Even though I promised not to quote the whole poem, I would like to go to the end and emphasize the last verse of "Outside of the Gate".

From yonder hill's far pathways blinking,
flash to us colours of garments gay.
Hark! Sounds of village joy arise;
Here is the people's paradise,
contented, great and small shout joyfully:
"Here I am human, here dare it to be!"

The main part of the party starts at 4pm with our charming little DJ Vanny. We hope again for numerous guests. Therefore we will fill the jackpot for the contest with 1000 L$. But maybe there will be donors again this time who will help us to continue to fill the jackpot. Maybe there are other acts, let us be surprised. Let's see if we can set a new record this time, or even fill the region. So you should come to the right, and invite your friends in large numbers to join with us the Spring.

We wil make an other event a day before. The symbol of eastern is the bunny. So we will celebrate a "Bunny Party" with you at 3/30 4pm. We will have a contest with 1,000 Linden to split here too. Girls, its time to wear your bunny dress, let us make the men horny at this party and show your most sexiest bunny costume. We look forward to see you.


  • Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V4.1 from Maitreya
  • Head: CATWA Head Catya v2.14 from Catwa
  • Hair: NO TIME from n0match
  • Allison Top Fatpack from  adorsy
  • Blueberry - Britian Denim Skirt White from Blueberry
  • EF: Eternal Pendant-Gold from Empyrean Forge 
  • -KC- CAILY CHOKER from KC|Couture* Shoes for Maitreya,... 
  • -KC- MELIAN WAIST CHAIN from KC|Couture* Shoes for Maitreya,... 
  • Izzie's - Overknee Socks from Izzie Button
  • -KC- HARLEM SNEAKERS  from KC|Couture* Shoes for Maitreya,... 
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