
Tuesday Rock Night

Tuesday Rock Night with Yezika

After some postings about drive motor yacht and Sailing in Secondlife a Post about the Parties in the Clubs of the Sunshine Cove Family. Tuesday Night is Yezika with the Nightwish Clan in the Haunted Garage and we was curious how many people would follow our invitation.

Like usual entertained Yezika us with a great set. She spinned rocking music for us. And after a more calm party a week before came more as 50 people to our event again. In the peak we were 49 persons in the underground parking lot. So it was a great time with friends and guests.

Thanks all for coming, and we look forward for our next event at friday evening between 4 and 6pm in the Haunted Garage again.

Next week we will have the St. Patrick Day, a national holiday for irish people around the world. And its a tradition for the Sunshine Cove Family to prepare and celebrate huge parties to special holidays. So we will prepare a party again, and go down to the ground level for this. Last year was Saint Patrick Day the first special party in the Sunshine Cove Beach Bar, i think a lot people will remember this wonderful party.

You can see more pictures in my Googles Images Album.

1 comment:

  1. Parties with the Sunshine Cove group are always so much fun. I love hanging out with all of you. Always a great time. :)
