
2nd Oktoberfest Saturday

2nd Saturday of our Oktoberfest Weeks

If we look back to our Party yesterday. Wow, this was a party of superlatives for us. Unfortunately we only missed one guest, and we would have welcomed 70 guests to our Oktoberfest party yesterday at the same time. Altogether there were more than 80 guests, but unfortunately not everyone can stay the whole time. And its a new record for the new Trails End Music Hall and the Sunshine Realm. So there were only 69 visitors in the peak in our Sunshine Realm Sim. And there were also a lot of new ones, we welcomed 11 new members into our VIP group this evening. Read more in the last blogpost about our 2nd Friday of our Oktoberfest- weeks.

So it is no wonder that we want to welcome so many guests again today. Therefore we start again with 1,500 L$, and who knows, maybe there will be donations for the contest again, and we can repeat the madness today. Today we will entertain be our DJ Alexa Bliss.

╚» Who: ★ DJ Alexa Bliss / Host Angy ★ 
╚» Style: ♬ Oktoberfest Party ♬ 
╚» Where: ★ Trails End Music Hall ★
╚» When: ⏰ 10/06 @ 4pm - 6pm ⏰ 
ȯ Contest at least 1,500 Linden to Split
Event in SecondLife Scheduler

You will find the pictures of this event later in this Google Images Album.

Another great event is over with a fabulous afterparty. DJ Polpeta entertained us for the afterparty time with drance music. We were 50 guests in the main event again, not so bad for a saturday. 33 persons voted for the contest. small problems between could be solved, we could continue the contest after a small break so were all happy at end. Thanks all our guests, the staff and our friends for make the Sunshine Realm to this amazing place in Secondlife.

We look forward for the next events in the october. We started with the plannings for our Halloween Events 2018 now, but before are some normal events scheduled. Come and join us in the Sunshine Realm. The next event will start at Tuesday 10/9 right at 5 pm with DJ Yezika in the Sunshine Garden.

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