
A Review to our Friday fright

A Review to our Friday Fright Night

Wow, what an event it was. The festival place with the cemetery was very well done, and as we started at 2pm, it got full faster than we expected. The guests all came in wonderful costumes that almost all fit into the theme, and we celebrated exuberantly together. First Valantine took over the DJ desk for 2 hours and entertained us with fresh music. We had started a 1,000 L$ contest in split mode. We didn't just schedule it for 4pm, the start of the second round with another DJ. We made it dependent on at least 10 guests logging into the contest, otherwise we would continue the contest at 4pm and increase it to 2,000 L$. But it didn't come to that, there were 20 guests very quickly, and nevertheless it should come differently than we had planned. It was going to be the craziest event we've ever had at the Sunshine Realm. 

When you've done everything, all you can do is wait.

We had prepared everything. We had finished the work on the new place already 2 days before. Everything was set up, and actually it could have been a highlight in this Halloween season. Unfortunately, hours before the event even started, it had already become apparent that the region was extremely laggy. And that also without guests. Unfortunately, this is often the argument of the land managers. You run a club, that's what happens. Or your guests have too many scripts. We already know how events work and have been running our clubs for a while. We tried for hours to reach the landlord "Jewels Island" or one of her managers to ask for a new start. Unfortunately a new high point in the problems of the last weeks was on the horizon. Now SL is just SL, and RL is still the first and important life, so it can happen, the landlord was AFK and the managers offline. And fate took its course.

Our Friday Fright with a lot crazy Costumes

With every guest it got worse. It took some time until the dance HUDs worked, walking in the sim got harder, and the contest board slowed down. We had never experienced it so bad, already logging into the contest became a gamble. While we already had 5 seconds response time at the beginning, it was almost 1 minute after one hour. And the sim wasn't even half full, there wasn't any of our neighbors. Many of our VIP guests couldn't log in in the Contest anymore. Most of them were very understanding, thanks to all of them. I had so many IMs as never before open, tried to help where it was still possible, and also comforted some. After all, we also have the ambition to carry out big and exciting events without disturbances. Of course, some of them were also very disappointed, as they had planned this date especially and had accepted our invitation. So also some new guests had come, who visited us for the first time. We hoped until the end to reach a manager for the country to make a break for the restart. So we had no choice but to appeal to the guests again and again, to reduce the complexity of the outfits and to avoid scripts. For a Halloween event it must have been difficult, but everyone was insightful and tried to help.

I wonder if sweeping will help.

But then the time was up, at least we had to try to get the voting through somehow. So we wanted to give the board a break and moved it behind the partition wall. Unfortunately some guests were unreasonable, and in the end also uncomradely to the others. Instead of leaving the board alone, they stayed with the mouse on the board, some clicked on the board before the voting. Nevertheless we tried to open the voting, and it came as it had to come. The votes were rather accidental, so many took back their votes, and it got worse from minute to minute.No praying helped any more, even if we had a monk there.

Could praying help?

That's why we decided to take an unusual step. We didn't just want to stop the contest and really disappoint the guests. We took the board from the event and I took the list of participants. Then I asked all the guests who wanted to vote to come with me to the corner where skeletons play a round of cards. We would do a manual and open voting. I wrote the list of participants in the local chat and asked everyone to send me a notecard with their name and the name for their vote. The name should be as it appears on the list, everyone in SL knows how quickly login and display names get mixed up, and how creative some are with display names.

Was the scarecrow responsible?

Most of them did that reasonably. Some tried to send IMs after all, my box has already overflowed. Some have sent the notecard several times. It was a bit difficult to sort everything. Then I wrote to some who had not voted. After 20 minutes we were finished. I asked again everyone to come to my corner and paid out the winnings manually. Thanks to everyone for their trust and understanding. And believe me, it was really a difficult work.

So it was probably the craziest contest, and I was totally exhausted afterwards. But we managed it. But we didn't start the second contest anymore. Should we have solved the problems with the region by tomorrow, we will start the Saturday Contest with 2,000 L$, and increase, more than 50 guests wanted to come. So another madness in one of our Halloween events.

Wonderful Costumes at our Halloween Fright

What else happened? It was a mad event, an impressive festival place with the enchanted cemetery and the buildings that emerged from the afterlife. The gap between our world and the afterlife seemed to be really open, and there were so many beautiful costumes to see, and most of them didn't notice the problems. So we were 40 people, with the coming and going even more than 50 guests. We danced, joked and laughed, and our DJs did an excellent job. At 4pm DJ Rosie took over the DJ desk and played a good mix to entertain us. Thanks to Valantine and Rosie, you were both amazing. We didn't stop at 6pm but celebrated 2 hours longer. I could just have fun during the last hours, danced next to Misty, and the stress before that was quickly forgotten. 

Some relaxing time after the contest

So at the end one of the most beautiful events remains at one of the most impressive sets, many beautiful costumes and lots of fun. It was one of the most successful events despite the adversities with the region. We have learned a lot, and will certainly seek a discussion with the landlord to find a solution for similar problems. And so we look forward, and look forward to our next event, tomorrow we go to the "Scare in the Warehouse".

Like usual are all Pictures in a Google Images Album. I wish you a lot fun, to explore it. And look forward to see you next time in our Sim in the Grid of SecondLife. Maybe this saturday for our "Scare in the Warehouse" or Tuesday to our "Bloody Formal Prom".

PS: Sadly it wasn't possible to find a solution at saturday too. We were in contact with the landlord, but why ever, the sim isn't restart. We are helpless in this, so we look at a really scared saturday, not only in the warehouse, in the whole sim. Very sad.

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