

Walburgisnacht (Walpurgus Night)

We celebrated "Walpurgisnacht" at Sushine Realm today. We have been  seamlessly following up on the eerie Halloween events "Zombie Apocalypse", "Friday Fright Night", "Scare in the Warehouse" and "Bloody Formal Ball" in October last year and the 3 Blood Wolves Full Moon Night events in January of this year and returned to the shadow world of nature spirits, beings, witches, warlocks and devils. With the events "Darkness under the Moon", "Enchantment under the Moon" and "Behind the Moon" we had unforgettable events in the world around the gothic church ruins, which we had built especially for these events. Early on we had the idea of the counter-earth, and with it the name "Realm of Shades" as a contrast to our Sim "Sunshine Realm". An other name for this place is "Shadow Realm".


GoT Special

GoT Special

We built our Throne Room with the Iron Throne already last year and celebrated one week a special with 3 wonderful events with the Game of Thrones Theme. W had this idea in the Christmas Week 2017. It was a wonderful week, and after the restart of today's Sunshine Realm our first big event week. Somehow it was the beginning of the Special Events, which we have organized again and again since then. We started with Rave of Thrones, continued with Rock on the Iron Throne and finihed the week with the formal Dragon Ball.


Weekend Workout

Weekend Workout

The Easter period is also always associated with food and family celebrations. And even if the children go into the garden to look for eggs, for us often with so little exercise. The summer is ahead of us, we want a bikini figure and tanned skin. So it's the best time to stop by the gym and do a workout together with friends. Now it's certainly not that in SecondLife itself, but maybe it gives us the necessary impulse to make it real.

That's why we went to our Sunshine Gym again and did a fitness workout for the weekend. And a lot people followed our invitation and worn hottest outfit for a workout.


Construction Workers

Construction Workers

Actually, you always say construction workers following sexy women with their gazes. But let's be honest, a construction worker and craftsman can also be erotic for a woman. He knows how to use his hands, has a tanned muscular upper body. He can carry us on his arms and promises protection. Many of our erotic (forbidden) fantasies revolve around construction workers

And sometimes we too would like to slip into this role, put on our boyfriend's shirt, sexy jeans and to belt a tool belt on. Therefore we make an event, and hoped to see many sexy construction workers. 


Easter egg hunt and BBQ

Easter egg hunt and BBQ

It's Easter. In many countries children go into the garden to look for Easter eggs, sweets and small gifts. I took me the time to hide eggs for you and to wrote about this. Thanks to Valantine. She prepared the eggs and gave them to us. Maybe you followed me all the way through the Sunshine Garden. We prepared this Easter Egg Hunt to introduce the Sunshine Garden for our guests.

We gone with our friends and guests together to the Sunshine Garden to celebrate Easter. We hoped that many would follow our invitation. We met us at 4pm for the Easter egg hunt and for the BBQ at the central fairground in the garden. We were curious how many guests would follow and waited. And the first guests came right at 4pm and many of them started the egg hunt. 

Egg Hunt

Egg Hunt

We want to make an Easter egg hunt with you. First of all thanks to Valantine. She put the eggs together and give them to us for this Easter. Thank you so much for this Valantine. We want to introduce you with this egg hunt also the Sunshine Garden a little better. The Sunshine Garden was built last year for Easter and spring celebration. And later all around became bigger and bigger. We originally wanted to extinguish it afterwards, but today it is one of the most beautiful corners in our Sunshine Realm. 

The landing point, the central fairground, the Trails End Music Hall Club and some hidden corners are not only important venues in the Sunshine Realm, they also invite to spend time with friends and dance together, or are a good backdrop for photos. Also one of my photo series, like the Tartan Day, were taken here.



Passover Celebrations

Today is not only Good Friday for the Christian People, but this year is today also the beginning of the Passover week. Happy Pesach for all our Jewish Friends, and for all people around.


Punk Rock Night

Punk Rock Night

As we talked about events for the week, one idea was to do a Punk Rock Night. Then we know, Punks not dead!. We actually had the plan to organize a simpler event. Misty had redecorated the Sunshiner's Pub with a new carpet and other pictures on the wall, and a suitable outfit should be quickly found in SecondLife.



Facelights and other attached Lights

Everyone who knows me knows that I like to take pictures. So I have my own Flickr page with almost 1,400 followers and this blog. But I have thousand picture in diverse Albums in Google Images too. Sometimes I am a model for others, but often I do the pictures myself. Some pictures are created in a kind of shooting with a set scene, placed light and special poses. Many say, the pose is important for a good picture in SecondLife. But that is something static. Others help with Photoshop and change the picture. Both ways are artificial, but can also be art. I think the most important thing about a good picture is the light, and this included a facelight. But no, more important than anything else is the view for the moment, capturing a certain mood and situation. And that's what I want to achieve with SecondLife. But this is only possible, if every moment can be special and you are prepared. If you use a facelight or bodylight. Only about this way you skin shimmering, you can see reflections and other effects. So most of my pictures are a captured moment from my SecondLife, a look at what I see and experience in SecondLife.




I always wanted to report about interesting and worth seeing Sims here in the beautiful world of SecondLife. Unfortunately the Sunshine Realm occupies me very much and so there was not so much time in the last weeks to visit other Sims. And if I was there, I would have had to find the time to write about it. Because of course I don't want to report about the already crowded places, which actually only have a sexual background, and their high numbers of visitors are only generated by sex and placed bots. Not that I would not visit such places, after all it is SL. But everyone finds them alone. But there are many builders in SL who are rather unknown and who build wonderful worlds without being noticed by many. And one of these worlds is Thorvaldshavn.

View at the Village with the central place and market


The Strong Girls of Hedeby

The Strong Girls of Hedeby

The idea was born a week ago: We're doing a Viking event. We somehow knew from the beginning that this would be a difficult task. Although there is enough material in SecondLife, somehow it also goes in the Gor direction too. But if it would fit together and would be one week enough time? To create a special place in SecondLife we need an inspiration at first. If you can't see the new place in your imagination, you will not able to create this. And the first thing that came to my mind was the song "Die Mädchen von Haithabu", which is currently very popular in Germany. There is also a video shot for this song in Haithabu, the German name for a former Viking village Hedeby. Today there is a beautiful museum village which one should visit. The lyric is simple, Vikings come from a trip and are stuck, they see a Viking Girl standing at the border of the river and she invited them to celebrate, and the song says that there is nowhere someone who can celebrate like the girls from Hedeby. 

So the invitation was quickly written.
Once again we want to go on a journey through time with you today. We go back 1,000 years to the villages and fjords in scandinavia, greenland, iceland and northern germany. We going in the time of the Vikings, the northmen and them women. They were not only plunderers, they were excellent sailors and explorers, they were craftsmen, cultivated agricultural products and kept livestock. And they believed a Valhalla and the gods there, Odin, Thor, Frija. Much still goes back to this time.
Come with us on the journey to the Vikings. Where men were still men ;-)


Surf's up!

Surf's up!

Salt in the Air .. Sand in my Hair!

Now the first of our new beach events is behind us. As we talked about the events for this week at the last weekend, it was this one as well as the "April Showers" at Tuesday and a Viking event at Saturday. Surf's up! Also the line "Salt in th Air ... Sand in my Hair" was quickly found. And a text for the invitation was easy too, we had the rainy April Showers event before.
The clouds have gone, the rain has stopped. The sun is over the Sunshine Realm again and its time to wear a bikini or swimming trunks.  We want use just this feeling to go with you back to our beach. Get your surfboards out, we meet for Surf's Up. We want to see sexy and sporty bodies, tanned. But please, think of enough sun protection, nobody should burn his skin.


April Showers

April Showers

April Showers bring May Flowers

Yesterday was our first event in the rain, we decided to go with our guests to the Garden for this special theme. And we were very curious how people would like this theme. We are in April, and weather can change hourly in the northern hemisphere. And after the winter with snow we have often rain. But we all know, a wet spring time is the base for a good harvest and a lot flowers and blossoms. So there are many idioms and proverbs, country saying. One is: "April Showers bring May Flowers!"

So we invited everyone and used this text for it: "Storm cloud has formed over the Sunshine Gardens and the weatherman calls for rain. So get out your slickers and umbrellas and galoshes and don't be dismayed by the down pouring rain because April showers bring May flowers!"


Tartan Day

Gaelic Heritage Day

Today is Tartan Day. Tartan Day celebrates the current and historic links between Scotland and Scots abroad. In the USA there are over 11 million people of Scottish descent who are very proud of the transatlantic connection. And from here, the tradition of Tartan Day has spread all over the world, and has also arrived in SecondLife and the Sunshine Realm. Today we celebrated our "Gaelic Heritage Day" and went to the Sunshiner's Pub.


A review of our Luau

A review of our Luau

Today is a different day. Not only here in the blog. Contrary to my other habit of simply rewriting the blog about an upcoming event afterwards and making a report about it out of the invitation, I will write a new post today. The blog post "Hawaiian Luau" will keep unchanged. I don't want to destroy this anticipation, this tension that the previous blog still expresses, with a factual report. Well, you could say that is usually the case. But events at the Sunshine Realm are something very special. And the joy in the preparation is also a very important part. Something that makes SecondLife special for some of us, especially if you do it together with friends. But it's also very time-consuming, and you don't always have everything you need in your inventory. And this weekend was a lot different, so some more words about the Sunshine Realm itself. And I just don't want to write about the sunny side of this event, I want to show the shady side.

Maybe it was a premonition. But this picture shows me rather thoughtful and sad. And not laughing as you should expect it for a luau in the sun on the beach of Hawaii. That's why I have chosen it now, although it comes from the preparation. 


Hawaiian Luau

Hawaiian Luau at Sunshine Realm

We have come up with something special for the event next Friday (4/05/2019). Summer is just around the corner and we are already looking forward to the sunny and warm days, to the time on the beach. Therefore we kidnap our friends and guests on this day to bring them to the beach of Hawaii and celebrate a Hawaiian Luau with them. 


Country Night in the Barn

Country Night at Trails End Music Hall

In order to gain time for the preparations for the both planned special parties next weekend, we decided today for a classic in the Sunshine Realm. We invited to a Country Night in the Barn, in our Trails End Music Hall Club.