
1st Mystical Creature Party

First Mystical Creature Event in Sunshine Garden

On Saturday we had our first Mystical Creature Party in the new Sunshine Garden. With this event we wanted to establish a connection between the cultures and celebrate the spring and a new beginning at Easter. Therefore we have designed the beautiful Sunshine Garden, which is not only exotic and colorful, there are also many beautiful and hidden corners. Some nice toys invited you to spend time with friends and have fun. And yes, the land is adult. Recently I introduced the garden to a blog post and announced the event in another.


Mystical Creatures

Mystical Creatures in the Sunshine Garden

My last post was already about our Easter parties. And even now I would like to report on it once again. We have created a colourful garden above the Sunshine Pub and Sunshine Garage. And our event on Saturday is a "Celebration of Spring" with the theme "Mystical Creatures". So it will be a colorful party and imaginations and fantasies for the outfits are no limits given. It's fun fun to go shopping and arrange a corresponding outfit. I've decided to go to the event as a fairy. What woman didn't dream of being a fairy even as a little girl? In SecondLife we can make dreams come true. And we can go back to our dreams from the childhood.

And after garden and outfit were finished, I did a photo shoot.


Celebration of Spring

Celebration of Spring

Like every year, we're planning special events for Easter time. Now are our friends not only from all parts of the world, some are christian and other jewish. some are muslim and other atheistical. We are a varicolored crowd. So we tried to go back to the orgin of this holiday for a shareable event, because this rite is much older. People of all times and cultures have welcomed spring with joy. It is the time when nature awakens and we look forward. We built for this event a new place in SecondLife, our Garden about the Sunshine Garage with lovely edges and a lot colored flowers. Let us take a first view at this place and the upcoming event, a festival of life, our "Celebration of Spring".


Sunshine Garage, renaming party

Renaming Party, The Sunshine Garage

Changes throwing their shadows ahead. A few days ago we had opened the Sunshine Pub, and actually only wanted to celebrate Saint Patrick there. We used the set we had built for Mardi Gras and the street carnival, our own "French Quarter". But we liked this pub so much that we decided to keep the set. Instead, we have a second venue beside the garage.

Now comes the original name of the garage from one of our Halloween events 2017, and the land is part of the Sunshine Cove Family. Our harem was already the "Sunshine Harem" and the new Pup is the "Sunshine Pub". Now we have also renamed the land, and the garage is no longer enchanted after the last modernisation. The new name is "The Sunshine Garage". And of course we celebrated this again with a big event. We were curious how many people would follow our invitation.


John Birdy

A Meeting with John Birdy at the Back Alley

I met John Birdy by chance days before in a sim for adults. We talked about SecondLife and photography. It was an interesting conversation, and he showed me some of his pictures. Later he asked me whether I didn't even want to pose for him as a model. Why not, but I don't want to pose only, I'm interested in an idea behind the shooting. I don't want to pose for shops and fashion. So are my own pictures mostly snapshots from SecondLife, and I want only to show my special view of this beautiful virtual world. Then he showed me his shop in the "Sperrbezirk" sim with some of his pictures and his gallery at Sailor's Cove Town. We visited his house at the Blake Sea later also. We are both from Germany, time flew by. We greeted each the other in the following days sometimes via IM.


Green Beer Party

Green Beer Party at Sunshine Pub

Today we  had our St. Patrick Party here in our Sunshine Cove Family. Its the St. Patrick Day, and like good irish people and fans of this, kisses were freeeeeeee in this amazing night. And we had have our long night here together with our friends and guests. And of sure, the green beer were free. So we called it "Green beer party". 


Formal Green Saint Patrick

Formal Green Saint Patrick

We were all looking forward to this event, finally another formal dance ball. And we love formal dance balls. The new Sunshine Pub with the big room is perfect, so as the connection to St. Patrick and the color green. So we were all curious before how this is accepted by our guests and friends. Of course, shopping was a lot of fun before. But green is not the color of choice for most of us. I had written it before, for me green is the color for a bridesmaids' dresses to make sure that none of the best girl friends looks better than the bride self. So we were also curious which gowns the girlfriends would choose. 

I also had to look around for a while and was very undecided which dress to choose. I was also out with a friend who helped me. In the end, I decided on a dress from Azul. ok, this one was a bit yellow, but somehow green. And yellow shoes from N-core completed the outfit. I also looked for hair from no.match, braided it into my braids with a green cloth. 


St Paty 2018

St Patrick Day 2018

Formal Green St Patrick Party

All members of our Sunshine Cove Family love formal nights. Sadly is this in the clubs only rarely possible. The Haunted Garage isn't the place for a formal night. I remember at the Ballroom Blitz 2017 or the Ball of Dragons 2018.

Now we have the new Sunshine Pub with an huge room downstairs. We had the huge Opening Party at the 3/10.


Opening Sunshine Pub

Opening Party for our Sunshine Pub 3/10/17

Next weekend we will celebrate the Saint Patrick Day. A reason for a new special week. Like every year we have a huge Saint Patrick party with the Sunshine Cove Family. And of course we have come up with something special again.  We decided some weeks before to use our French Quarter which Misty built for the Mardi Gras Week in February. We removed a building and makes place for a new Club / Pub. The Sunshine Pub was born. So we are back in the land below, so you can enjoy the new club, but also a fantastic sunset in this unique street. And of course we will let the pigs out, beer and drinks are free for all again.


Tuesday Rock Night

Tuesday Rock Night with Yezika

After some postings about drive motor yacht and Sailing in Secondlife a Post about the Parties in the Clubs of the Sunshine Cove Family. Tuesday Night is Yezika with the Nightwish Clan in the Haunted Garage and we was curious how many people would follow our invitation.