
Lets get Physical Friday

Lets get Physical Friday

After the successful start of our fitness center last Friday (2/22/2019), we wanted to get fit for this weekend too. So we went back to the new Sunshine Gym to workout and celebrate 2 hours with our friends and guests. The success of the workout only comes after a few days. So, was the theme "let's get fit for spring together". March 1st is the beginning of spring.

We arrived the Sunshine Realm at 4pm and started our event. DJ Valantine entertained us with rocking tunes so that we could all dance and train. It was fun, to spend 2 hours with guests and friends.

Almost all came in casual clothes or sportswear. It quickly became fuller and almost 40 visitors came, in the end there were 34 together in our gym. So once again we were a well visited place in SecondLife. 

Of course we opened another contest and filled the jackpot with 1,000 L$ like usual. Many of our guests joined the contest. At the end 25 participants voted and we were able to distribute the jackpot between the winners. With a splitted mode Contest each guest have the chance to get a part of the L$.

After the contest, and with it the official part of the event, we stayed together for the after-party. DJ Valantine continued to spin some more rock music. Of course there was also naked skin to see again. Its a Sunshine Realm's Event. In a Gym a surely particularly intensive view for some. We laughed a lot. And when Valantine had to go to bed, we continued for another hour with the TV system and Youtube videos. At the end a very successful evening.

Of course there are more pictures. You can find them in my Google Images Album. And if you want to be part of one of our events, or if you want to visit the different event places in peace, here is the landmark to the Sunshine Realm in the grid of Secondlife. Many of the places are also a nice backdrop for photos. We would be happy to welcome you as our guest.

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