
Rave in the Realm

Rave in the Realm

We ended the month of March with a Rock Rave. We went back to the garage after a longer break and rocked the place with our friends and guests for some hours. Actually we wanted to give up the garage for a long time, it is the oldest venue in our Sunshine Realm. We have already accommodated it in different places, but couldn't bring ourselves to extinguish it. So it is still there, even if the entrance is a bit more hidden today and it is no longer a separate area. We prepared everything and were looking forward to the event.

We started our "Rave in the Realm" event at 4 pm with the set of DJ Yuimetal. Like every week we were at the Club Room before. It quickly got fuller and most of the guests tried to follow the theme somehow. Some of them were inspired by the "Rave" and came with colorful and flashing accessories, even if we did thought more about "Underground Rock" event. But nevertheless it is always nice that so many follow our themes, ot try it at least. Unfortunately, some of the Sunshine Girls are not willing to show that they belong to us, and believe to come without an appropriate outfit. It quickly got fuller. I've written it several times: It's always hard to predict how many guests will come in the end. In total we had 40 visitors this evening, unfortunately not all of them could stay until the end. So there were 34 visitors at the end. It was a nice evening.

We also had another contest, and thanks to the donation of Travi and Skyee it was a Jackpot of 1,500 L$ (S) this time. The vote worked well and without any problems. At the end there were 24 votes and we could pay out the winnings.

Then we went with DJ Polpeta into the after-party. It was a wonderful set again and of course there was a lot of naked skin to see. We had a lot of fun together, and ended the event afterwards. That was also the end of March in the Sunshine Realm.

So it's also the moment to look back. At the 14 events this month we had more than 600 visitors. That's 100 more than in the previous month, but there were fewer events due to the shorter month. And in March there were also some highlights with "Mardi Gras", "Saint Patrick's Day", the Holi Fest and the event to the "4 elements". In addition we distributed 17,250 L$ in the contests. Somewhat less than in the previous month, but there was also a high winning amount at the "Heart On Fire" event for Valentine Day. It was a good month and the very positive development of the Sunshine Realm continued. On the last day of the month there were also 830 members in the guest group. 

Many thanks to all the Sunshine Girls who actively collaborated, entertained the guests and followed the topics. You have helped to make this place so unique. And thanks to all the guests who visited us and tried to follow the theme again and again. You made it complete. We can plan and prepare the most beautiful events, but we can only see it through your eyes.

Like usual more pictures in a Google Images Album. Maybe you want view them to get an impression about our events at the Sunshine Realm. And if you are curious, we look forward to see you in our Sim "Sunshine Realm" in the grid of SecondLife.

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