
A walk in the Park

A walk in the Park

The 3/30 is the national Take a walk in the Park Day in the USA. After a long busy day, a calming and therapeutic way to relax would be a nice, leisurely walk in the park. And we started with this event in the last weekend of this march. Taking a walk at a local park is an excellent way to clear one’s mind from the stresses of the day, re-energize and at the same time, to improve health. And this only today, the Sunshine Garden invites the guests each day to relax and spend time With friends.

This is the inspiration for our event at the 3/29, we started a walk through the Sunshiner Garden and the surrounding park with the "Trails End Music Hall".  All our guests worn comfy clothes, and came to this unique event in the rebuild Sunshine Garden. 

DJ Valantine entertained us with a roundtrip through the Rock, starting with Rock&Roll to the 80th and 90th up to actual songs. We met us at 4pm at the rebuild Sunshine Garden for our walk together. We had 45 guests this night, at the and were 40 together at the central festival place in the middle of the garden. And like usual we opened a contest with 1,000 L$ to split. The official part ended at 6pm, but we stay longer together.

We made the festival place in the garden bigger for events and opened it more to the other part at the right side, special to the "Trails End Music Hall". What some have forget, we opened the garden at 3/31/2018 for the Celebration of Spring and the EASTER time. We build it in the week before and first pictures are showed at 3/27. We wanted it only for event in the EASTER time, special for "Mystical Creatures". And now is our Sunshine Garden an very important part of our Sunshine Realm since one year. Its was nearly a birthday party for the Garden. 

And the Garden grew in the year. Its so much fun to look around. In the summer revived the "Trails End Music Hall" aside of the Garden and the platform grown.

We rebuilt the Sunshine Garden for the anniversary. We wanted it make ready for new and bigger event, the old garden was really nice, but not really enough for the growing Sunshiner's Crowd. The new smaller wall to the park at the right side with the door, the small water stream with cattails and reeds, the table to sit and talk.

 Outside is a small separate garden eden with a warm bathtub and a floor for a romantic meeting with your friend, the birth cage, the meeting point under the trees where you dance too, the "Trails End Music Hall" at the backside and the small pond at the other side. The Sunshine Garden is a place with a lot spots to have fun and to relax.

It was a wonderful place for our event today, and we all had a lot fun together. If you curious, come and visiting the Sunshine Garden or the other places in our Sunshine Realm. You will find some teleporter to bring you to the different places.

Of course we stayed together for an after-party. Valantine entertained a bit longer before we chose the country radio to let the evening fade away. It was nice hours, in a special place, with a group of friends. It's always nice to relax after an event and rejoice together that everything worked out.

Like usual will you find some more pictures in my Google Images Album. Take you the time and watch them.

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